Profesor menjadi bodoh kerana politik

Sekurang-kurangnya dua orang profesor terkenal dalam negara kita telah menjadi “BODOH” kerana mahu jaga hati pemimpin UMNO dan menjaga periuk nasi menjadi profesor kontrak setelah pencen.

Pertama Profesor Khoo Kay Kim dari Unversiti Malaya. Beliau menyatakan Malaysia tidak pernah dijajah oleh British!

Kedua, Jurucakap Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN), Prof Zainal Keling, dari Universiti Malaya,  menyatakan bahawa Tanah Melayu “tidak pernah terjajah”, sebaliknya hanya dinaungi atau dilindungi oleh British.

Inilah dua wajah profesor yang “murtad akademik” dan tidak jujur dalam ilmu mereka semata-mata bagi mengambil hati pemimpin UMNO dan menjaga perut dengan menggadaikan kebenaran  ilmu.

Kita menunggu kalau-kalau Profesor Datuk Dr. Ramlah Adam juga akan bersama profesor luncai untuk terjun dengan labu-labunya.

Mengapa baru hari ini dua profesor ini mahu bercakap Malaysia tidak pernah dijajah? Mengapa tidak 30 tahun yang lalu?

Apa guna rakyat sambut merdeka kalau negara tidak pernah dijajah?

Apa ertinya mati syahid pada ulama kalau bukan kerana mempertahan tanah air dari penjajah yang datang menakluk tanah air dan merampas hasil bumi tanah air ini?

Di saat umur senja profesor ini dan di penghujung karier 2 orang profesor ini, mereka menjadi “bodoh” ; justeru layaklah PhD. mereka ditarik balik  oleh universiti yang menganugerah ijazah Ph.D kepada mereka. Gelaran Dr., Profesor dan Profesor Emeritus sudah tidak layak disebut pada nama mereka lagi selepas ini.

Memadai nama mereka disebut sebagai Datuk Khoo Kay Kim dan Datuk Zainal Keling.

Kepada ahli akademik lain atau Persatuan Sejarah atau Persatuan Mahasiswa atau NGO berkaitan, wajarlah membuat laporan polis di atas kenyataan dua orang profesor luncai yang menipu rakyat dengan kenyataan Malaysia tidak pernah dijajah!

Kita tidak fikir PERKASA (kerana telah diperkosa oleh UMNO) dan kelompok lain (yang diupah UMNO) yang membuat laporan polis membantah kenyataan Mat Sabu mengenai Indera akan membuat laporan polis terhadap dua orang profesor yang tidak jujur dengan ilmu sendiri lagi.

Sekurang-kurangnya Mat Sabu ada buku rujukan terbitan Yayasan Johor untuk mempertahankan kenyataan bahawa Mat Indera diiktiraf sebagai hero kemerdekaan oleh Johor.

Apa rujukan yang mahu diberikan oleh dua orang profesor ini untuk mempertahankan hujah mereka bahawa Malaysia tidak dijajah oleh British?

Baca lagi

Lihat video mengenai penjajah British yang disebut oleh pemimpin UMNO

Pendirian PAS dalam isu sejarah negara

17 thoughts on “Profesor menjadi bodoh kerana politik

  1. khozairi September 11, 2011 at 10:50 pm Reply

    Makin Kalut… PM 1 Malaysia Kata “Jangan Ubah Sejarah”. Tun Mahathir Pula Kata “Sejarah Di Sekolah Kurang Tepat”. Menteri Di Pengajian Tinggi Pula Cakap, “Sukatan pelajaran subjek sejarah peringkat sekolah akan dikaji semula selepas didapati beberapa fakta sebelum ini tidak lengkap dan terdapat percanggahan fakta”. Ayoyo … Huru Hara Dah UMNO Sekarang Nie Hanya Kerana Kenyataan “Gempar” Insan Yg Bergelar “Mohamad Sabu”…

  2. maznah September 11, 2011 at 11:01 pm Reply

    Sudah 54 tahun tanpa campur tangan asing masih kita meraba2 mencari identiti kita dan sejarah pembentukan negara bangsa masih dipersoalkan.Apapun natijahnya setiap langkah rakyat untuk memerdekan negara baik haluan kanan atau kiri objektifn…Evan jdi Prof Kangkong…skali ckap bgitu..skali ckap bgini..hbis smua org pening…nmpaknya subjek sejarah kne di buangkan dari exam SPM tahun ni..sbb smua budak2 dn ckgu2 pening dn keliru..hehe..msiaku yg semakin caca marba!!!..Baha

    “Kalau kita tak pernah dijajah buat apa sambut merdeka sampai habis jutaan ringgit? Dan lebih sedih lagi Tunku baru sahaja kehilangan gelaran. Sekarang dia cuma bapa kepada Tunku Ahmad Nerang dan adik-adiknya. Bukan lagi Bapa Kemerdekaan,” kata Prof Aziz Bari mengulas perkembangan semasa.

    masih wajar lgkah kita myambut hari kemerdekaan pada tahun hdpn.gelaran pd Tunku mungkin akan dlucutkan oleh majlis prof kangkong..mungkin tiada lg bapak kemerdekaan..ismail

    I leave it to all academician to give positive comment on their statement. People like my self is not really expert in that particular subject. our knowledge is very limited and we only know the history during SPM exam. All historians need to give a sincere knowledge relating to the history of the country based on the knowledge and study and not the interests of any party. lupakan zaman bodek-bodek, tell the truth….rahim

  3. Hate Liars! September 12, 2011 at 2:12 am Reply

    Nation’s history rewritten to glorify Umno

    ‘For ethno-religious fascism to succeed, we need intellectuals to create myths and stories about leadership and ethnic greatness.’

    Constitution expert: In reality, we were colonised

    Proarte: After the disastrous British attempts to colonise Afghanistan in the 19th century where the ‘infidel crusaders’ were successfully repulsed and humiliated, the attempts to colonise took on more subtle forms. They adopted ‘indirect rule’ as the favoured model.

    This was far more effective without the need to spend vast amounts on armies and bloody intervention.

    Malaya with its potential to provide Britain with unimaginable riches was colonised through local proxies or ‘tali barut’, which the local ‘sultans’ essentially were. The British could employ them and depose them at will and thus the claims that they were ‘sovereign’ is utterly bogus.

    When Resident JWW Birch was murdered, Sultan Abdullah Muhammad Shah II was removed and exiled to Seychelles. They immediately appointed another sultan to ‘rule’. He was made ‘defender of Islam’ so that British would not be seen as controlling Islam and the Malays.

    Similarly in Selangor, the Raja Muda, Tengku Musa Eddin, was denied the right to be sultan and exiled to the Cocos Keeling Islands.

    Gerard Samuel Vijayan: While the Malay states were supposed to be only British protectorates as opposed to colonies like the old Straits Settlements, in reality there was no significant difference because the Malay rulers were merely figureheads and a great many were puppets of the British.

    Whether it was a British governor, resident or adviser, they had to be obeyed and it was they who administered the state albeit in the name of the British Crown or the sultan. Except for matters regarding Islam; Malay customs and the royal courts, the sultans had no effective power or discretion.

    The British even interfered with the royal succession in several Malay states, so the omnipotent power of the colonial master was considerable and feared.

    Even after 1948, the British High Commissioner still wielded considerable executive powers compared to the Legislative Council. So when independence came in 1957, it denoted the end of colonialism as opposed to colonisation. It’s just a question of semantics.

    David Dass: The legal basis for British influence is important – the British observed the form, and each ruler remained ruler of the different states. Each ruler believed that he was ruler and that he had not been colonised.

    The Sultan of Johor resisted the appointment of a British adviser in Johor for a long time and by agreement with the British government reinforced his independence. Indian and Chinese labour were brought into the country with the agreement of the rulers. They were not ‘forced’ upon the rulers by the ‘colonisers’.

    With time, the British strengthened their position in the states of Malaya. Each ruler had to follow the advice of the resident in all matters except for personal law and Islam. Here, the substance of the arrangement was British rule.

    There were points of conflict and tension. Matters came to a head with the Malayan Union proposal which was abandoned because of Malay opposition. Thereafter, all races came together to negotiate independence.

    Anonymously: Thank you, Prof Abdul Aziz Bari for setting the record straight and putting our history into perspective. You should been appointed to head the National Council of Professors and our history would have been correct, objective and crystal clear.

    More importantly, our poor children would have been spared the merry-go-round of endless confusion.

    Jin: The debate on whether or not Malaya was a British colony is meaningless. To say that we have never been colonised is like hiding one’s head in the sand. It just shows how shameless the so-called learned professors are.

    The Colonial Office report to the British Cabinet dated July 1, 1948 says it all. Item 2 of ‘Background to Recent Events’ says: “Executive authority is, however, exercised in most matters not by the State Governments but by the Federation Government under the High Commissioner.” Item 7: “On the reoccupation after the recent (Second World) war…”.

    So like it or not, Malaya was a colony in the British eyes.

    MC: Don’t just criticise Professor Zainal Kling. There were others who were there to support his claims.

    From Bernama, these are the others: Prof Dr Raduan Che Rose, Prof Dr Ramlah Adam, Prof Dr Ibrahim Komoo, Prof Mohd Sahar Yahya, Prof Dr Zakaria Kasa and Prof Dr Abdul Latiff Abu Bakar.

    Take note of all these professor ‘kangkung’ who claimed that Malaysia was never colonised by the British.

    Milosevic: For ethno-religious fascism to succeed, we need intellectuals to create myths and stories about leadership and ethnic greatness and how dangerous others want to weaken the group and discredit its leaders.

    Pronto: With so much confusion sowed by politicians and academicians, should we be even celebrating Aug 31 as Merdeka Day, which is going to celebrated this year on Sept 16?

    I think we should call off the celebration as we were never colonised by the British. Before Aug 31, practically the whole country were managed by the British, including the Armed Forces and police force – both the Defence Forces chief and the IGP (police chief) were Mat Salleh.

    Black Mamba: It’s good to have historians with contrary views. With our history in dispute, it’s about time we rewrite the whole Malaysian history.

    When the Japanese occupied Malaya, the sultanate were still intact, so are we to say that we were not colonised by the Japanese when their ‘banana’ currencies were widely floating around the whole country, and that they were just administering on the sultans’ behalf, too?

  4. Disgusting Historians September 12, 2011 at 2:12 am Reply

    ‘If the British did not colonise Malaysia, then why did we need to seek independence? Independence from what? From being ‘protected’?’

    Hadi: Ridiculous to say nation never colonised

    Compass: If the professors are right that the British did not colonise us but merely administered the states of Malaya, does that mean that the sultans in the Malay states had voluntarily handed the states over to the British?

    And why did we have to ask God to save their king and queen and not our sultans? And why did we have to fight to regain the “administration” of our country? Are we expected to believe these eminent professors?

    Tan Kim Keong: If we were not colonised, then what we have been celebrating on every Aug 31 since 1957 has been a big lie.

    We might as well asked these ‘experts’ to petition the government to stop airing the clip in which we have our first PM shouting ‘Merdeka’ four times.

    Suhailah Samsuddin: I agree with the professors and Umno that the country was never colonised. It was merely protected by the British.

    PAS and Hadi must be out of their mind and are hallucinating about something that was not there. If indeed we were colonised, there would have been bloodshed had we sought independence from the British. Sudahlah.

    Milosevic: People are saying the obvious – that there was an anti-British movement way before Umno. After all, Umno’s battle cry during the Malayan Union episode was: “We want protection”.

    Why do readers here want to constrain the Council of Professors (COP) from doing the noble job of supporting Umno by arguing over facts and logic? Of course, real scholars will see Malaya as a colony.

    See Wikipedia: “The ideological underpinnings, as well as the practical application of indirect rule in European colonialism is usually traced to the work of Frederick Lugard, the High Commissioner of the Protectorate of Northern Nigeria from 1899 to 1906.

    “In the lands of the Sokoto Caliphate… Lugard instituted a system whereby external, military, and tax control was operated by the British, while most every other aspect of life was left to local pre-colonial aristocracies who had sided with the British during their conquest.

    “The theory behind this solution to a very practical problem of domination by a tiny group of foreigners of huge populations is laid out in Lugard’s influential work, ‘The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa’.”

    Zana: This is the British we are talking about – the most cultured, subtle and smartest colonial power.

    They are not like the Portugese, Spaniards, Dutch, Japanese or even the Americans. They have legal and diplomatic niceties like advisors, protectorates, indirect rule, helpers, invitation, etc.

    Even after 54 years of singing ‘Negaraku’ and the hoisting of our national colours, some of us still did not get it. What a shame.

    Werewolves: If the British did not colonise Malaysia, then why did we need to seek independence? Independence from what? From being “protected”?

    Whether you call it a true colony, protected states or protectorates, the bottom line is we were ruled by the British. The so-called sovereignty is a sham.

    Tell the Truth: PAS chief Abdul Hadi Awang is correct in that Umno is trying to distract the people from the more tragic issues of a corrupt Election Commission (EC), which is collaborating with the National Registration Department (NRD) and Umno, to treacherously admit thousands of foreigners into the country as citizens just like they did in Sabah in order to stay in power.

    In fact, Umno is more treacherous to the Malay race by bringing in Indonesians into the country and giving them false citizenships. The rural Malays must know this. The Indonesians will one day be flying the Indonesian flag in Malaysia and deprive all the Malays of their rights that are due to them.

    Umno can rid of all the Chinese and Indians from this country but Umno has to explain how come the Malays will soon be treated as second-class citizens by the Indonesian Malays.

    Onyourtoes: Precisely Hadi Awang, if only more enlightened Malays could come forward to “rescue” this country from an odyssey of return.

    If we have a Council of Professors spitting nonsense, I think this country is done for. Are we Malaysians such a despicable race? Have we had no sense of right and wrong anymore?

    How much more disclosures must we highlight before the Election Commission, the National Registration Department and Home Ministry are willing to admit that there were indeed a conspiracy to cheat the citizens of the country (particularly Sabah) through fraudulent election processes and illegal granting of citizenships and voting rights to people who are disqualified.

    I, much as I would like to think and act Malaysian, believe it is only the Malays who can save the soul of this nation at this juncture of our history. For more than 50 years, Umno has one strategy – to keep the non-Malays divided and the Malays ignorant – and they have succeeded in doing so.

    Now the number of non-Malays has become so small that even if they are united in their opposition to Umno, they still do not count much (do you think Umno has not done their maths?).
    It is the Malays that have the absolute majority and it is the Malays that control almost every institution of power and influence in this country today.

    SMC77: Just a simple question to BN: Why Tunku Abdul Rahman led the team of various ethnic group leaders to UK to negotiate with the British? Were they spending their time holidaying in London 60-plus years ago?
    Anonymously: I am still reeling in shock. It looks like the very core of our local history is in dispute. Had it come from an LCE school dropout, it is understandable but coming from scholarly authorities… OMG!

  5. 82 Comments by Malaysians on Dato' Zainal Keling September 12, 2011 at 2:20 am Reply

    Confuse d Vote : Who should debate with Mat Sabu? at or
    17 hours ago · Report

    Balas Zainal kling is not fit to be a professor in any assessment. Only the umno warlords have appointed many like him to control the section of our society now involved with teaching history. Can you imagine what kind of history teachers we have from the so-called “universities headed by the likes of creeps such as Zainal Kling? Trash!!! As for Khoo Kay Khim, I had some respect for him but over the past few years, he has proved that he too is lost in the wilderness! I have no hope for the future of our children and grand children as long as umno remains in power. The next GE is critical, period!
    21 hours ago · Report

    2CTS WORTH Umno you do have lorry loads of clowns! You have professors as clowns as well Even our country’s history is unstable and in cofusion ! How can you then maintain stability of our country?
    22 hours ago · Report

    FairPlay Maybe these ‘expert’ historians could take a ‘History 101’ Course from the rakyat (the non-expert historians).
    23 hours ago · Report

    wira In 1877, Sultan Abdullah was sacked as Sultan by the King of Britain over the killing of Perak’s first British Resident, the arrogant and racist James Wheeler Woodford Birch, while he was bathing by the Perak River in Kuala Kangsar, the royal capital of Perak. We were a protectorate and yet as early as the 19th century, the British crown could sack a Sultan. So where then was our sovereignty? Yes, the British, for 2 centuries, ran our financial, legal, defence, internal security and every facade of our government. Only UMNO will say we were protected but never colonised. Still protected just because we, after surrendering sovereignty, ‘invited’ the British to administer the country for us?
    23 hours ago · Report

    Sarawakian_3ff9 Zainal Kling is talking rubbish or maybe he’s an Umno historian. My birth certificate was issued by the British government. Want to see it or not, Zainal Kling?
    yesterday · Report

    evening breeze Alamak! I pity those students attending lectures given by Sultan Idris Teaching University (UPSI) head of history Zainal Klin. What a bloody ass! Why is Malaysia (Malaya then) is in the Commonwealth with the British Queen as the Head? The pre-Merdeka days, the Governor appointed by Britain, who did he represent? My golly, this bastard was sure a perfect spinner…just like his master of spins, the UMNO PM.
    yesterday · Report

    Not convinced Now we are told that the sultans ‘hired’ the British to ‘administer’ Malaya. Indeed, we paid a lot for these top-notched ‘foreign managers’. After all, much of our wealth has gone to Britain during their ‘administration’.
    yesterday · Report

    Anonymously I am still reeling in shock. It looks like the very core of our local history is in dispute. Had it come from an LCE school dropout, it is understandable but coming from scholarly authorities …OMG!
    yesterday · Report

    Milosevic Why do readers here want to constrain the Council of Professors (COPs) from doing the noble job of supporting UMNO power by arguing over facts and logic? Of course real scholars will see Malaya as a colony. See Wiki:”The ideological underpinnings, as well as the practical application of indirect rule in European COLONIALISM is usually traced to the work of Frederick Lugard, the High Commissioner of the PROTECTORATE of Northern Nigeria from 1899 to 1906. In the lands of the Sokoto Caliphate… Lugard instituted a system whereby external, military, and tax control was operated by the British, while most every other aspect of life was left to local PRE-COLONIAL aristocracies who had SIDED WITH THE BRITISH during their conquest. The theory behind this SOLUTION to a very practical problem of DOMINATION by a tiny group of foreigners of huge populations is laid out in Lugard’s influential work, The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa.” Hey, all this is just academic noise. Good job COPs!
    yesterday · Report

    retnam In the last election, Prof Kang Kong Kim voted for DAP. He will do the same this election. But no harm carrying balls and collecting money from stupid UMNO lah. Hope everyone will be as smart as this kang kong guy!
    yesterday · Report

    VP Biden Prof Khoo has hit a new low in my eyes.Are msians trying to change british history ,looks likw it.Britissh colonised msia,india,homg kong,ghana etc…mo word spinning required,if not scrap merdeka day…
    yesterday · Report

    RAW I am neither a historian nor a politician, but let me offer perhaps a more balanced view here. There is no need to jump on poor Professor Khoo. From a historical and academic point of view, he is right. The mere fact that the sultanates of the eleven then Malay states existed continuously throughout the British rule until now supported what he said. Historically, those states were protectorates. Only Penang, Malacca and Singapore, which did not have the Malay rulers, were colonies as they were ruled by governors appointed by Britain. Nonetheless, in reality, as far as who exercised the real authoritative ruling power and political control over state affairs, I think there is no difference between the three colonies and the eleven protectorates where the sultans were given only restrictive symbolic authority to govern the domestic and religious affairs of the Malay population. In that sense, those eleven protectorates were just as good or as bad as the three colonies.
    yesterday · Report

    elysium This prof. KKK is talking rubbish. Britain ruled and administered this country. Prior to 1957 Malaysia was a colony of Britain.
    yesterday · Report

    zana this is the british whom we are talking about. the most cultured, subtle and smartest colonial empire during that era. they are not like the portugese, spaniard, dutch, japanese or even the american, later. with legal and diplomatic niceties like advisors, protectorates, indirect rule, helpers, invitation etc, even after 54 years of singing negaraku and the hoisting of our national colors, some of us still did not get it. what a shame.
    yesterday · Report

    meek Never knew Malay Historians were stupid…and a placate Chinese Prof.Koh or Khoo…( sounds like a chicken ) .., they got their facts all wrong. Can we just talk about REVENUE…to the Malay States..? BODOH SOMBONG…konon Sejaterawan..! KANTOL.
    yesterday · Report

    mygazee This smart alex says: “The British had merely taken over the administration of our country.” And administration mean a disco party???
    yesterday · Report

    meek Why…? Do we have stupid HISTORIANS..? YES. If we were not colonize…., why were all our resources send back to the Queen…? Why use a stupid currency..? Only stupid guy’s made to look like or act in this stupid capacity as our Historians can come out with stupid conclusions. Or our Rulers including the royal Bendahara so sick they could not comprehend the meaning of PROTECTION. OUR STUPID HISTORIANS CANNOT COMPREHEND…HOW CAN A IDIOT LIKE ME DO SO..?
    yesterday · Report

    Realis Hei Malays, wake up, these are trivial and stupid issues that has no real weight on our well-being in the present life, why are you all fighting for history, should you Malay politicians being thinking how to improve your lots (not your selfish selves). Don’t you think your lot are at disadvantages economically and socially. Please UNITE and try to gain some respect from others for your lot ….
    yesterday · Report

    Milosevic Council of Professors, please do not be unarmed by the attacks. You are doing great intellectual service supporting UMNO and ethnic fascism. UMNO’s version of history is being attacked. You are to be praised for giving UMNO rhetorical flexibility to argue many ways. People are saying the obvious — the existence of anti-British movements way before UMNO. After all, UMNO’s battle cry to the British during Malayan Union was – “we want protection”. You guys are brilliant in saying that since Malaya was not colonized, how could there be anti-colonial fighters. Beautiful thinking. The highest calling of professors is to support power, especially if it is based on ethnic chauvinism, which Serbia proudly pursued. Do not pay attention to attacks that you are mediocre thinkers with no reputation. Who cares what real intellectuals think. Your role is more important than getting the facts or logic right. I hope nice rewards to come you. Long live Milosevic, long live UMNO!
    yesterday · Report

    Honest Now, having been under colonial government is not colonialised. So we have professors like Khoo who stoop to conquor using polemics. Why are these professors so easily dishonest? Malaysia, semua boleh! Of course a TV slot as well! But still, alarming and shaming our country.
    yesterday · Report

    BetulNya The ‘ mentally deficient ‘ and corrupted UMNNO morons think that all Malaysians are stupid like them !
    yesterday · Report

    Penanglang These so-called historians can babble as they wish, but the arguments are scientifically flawed. Mind you, it’s the substance that matters, not the legal form. The Federal Government of a sovereign Malaysia today consists of 3 branches – executive, legislative and judiciary. Think, who holds the authority over these functions in both the federated and unfederated malay states before the Second World War? How about the structure of the Malayan Union and the Federation of Malaya prior to the 1955 election? Particularly, could someone please compare between the governance structure of the Federation of Malaya since 1948 and the governance structure of Hong Kong until 1997? Particularly, the role and powers between the British High Commissioner in Malaya and the Governor of Hong Kong.
    yesterday · Report

    ANGRY MONKEY are we a commonwealth country? care to explain/
    yesterday · Report

    Chandran Sukumaran I am no historian or professor. What is the difference between a colony or protectorate. The fact is the British ruled this country and a good amount of wealth has been taken out from the country. They enforced law and order and all other adminstration and the population was subservient to them. What do you call this?
    yesterday · Report

    Tiong Nam See Hadi is right. The so called ‘pro fest soars’ all need to be sent to school again. After PR take over the govt after GE13, get these dumb profs arrested first and then send them for sennility check up and jail them for being traitors to the nation for changing the history of this country.No pity at all.
    yesterday · Report

    Silent Majority Hey, Prof Khoo, errr… what do you mean “The British had merely TAKEN OVER the ADMINISTRATION of OUR country” as not the same as colonizing it??? What do you do when you colonize another country?? Would Malaysia today be a free nation if we are being ADMINISTERED by the Brits? If the PM and his cabinet are all Brits plus all the State MBs are Brits wouldn’t that be colonizing?? Phew if our Profs are like Khoo and the rest no wonder we can’t beat NUS in the world uni rankings!!
    yesterday · Report

    iloveBN If the learned professors are correct why draft the constitution and waste the Reid Commissions time and the time of all the others. Why did Tunku need to travel to London and forth to declare independence in front of the people of the then Malaya? Looks like the malaysian govt had started wasting the rakyat’s money way back 55 years ago. Looks like the rest was all wayang? What’s your take on this my beloved professor koo koo and the rest of you buffoon colleagues? ILoveMalaysia
    yesterday · Report

    iloveBN The Reid Commission was an independent commission responsible for drafting the Constitution of the Federation of Malaya prior to Malayan independence from Britain on 31 August 1957. To the learned Professors, please visit write up on the Reid Commission to know more about our history. Mat Sabu has got his correct. I think it’s you buffoons that Gerakan should sponsor for further study in history lessons. ILoveMalaysia
    yesterday · Report

    Black Mamba It raise serious concern if this so called, Professor Emeritus Dr. Khoo is a qualified historian. He got to have his head examined. If Malaysia was never colonised why the heck are we celebrating “Merdeka”, Independence Day for ? Past Prime Ministers must have been misled by Tuanku Abdul Rahman. We should instead celebrate” Protectorate Day” and invite the Queen of England to grace the occasion every year for protecting us during our infancy and venerable years and reward England with our natural mineral resources perpectually for our greatfulness.
    yesterday · Report

    arbee To me, both Mat Sabu and this so called Prof. Zainal Kling have the same hazy and fuzzy brain. Illogical and inaccurate.
    yesterday · Report

    Joe Lee This decidedly non-emeritus Khoo Kay Khim needs to go back to school if he says the British never ruled the country. Whatever suits his political master UMNO, and whatever he needs to say to discredit his master’s enemies, this fellow can be relied on. He tries to show he’s no running dog of the ruling clique which has amply rewarded him; but the rest of us can see through his fake scholarship, his unreal obedience to UMNO. The new Malaysia has no time for these fakes; the new Pakatan Rakyat government shall have to invoke some specials powers to fine this running dog of UMNO the princely sum of 1 ringgit, and take away his professorship for his part in faking the UMNO version of Malaysian history! Down with all fake professors!
    yesterday · Report

    Werewolves Whether you call it a true colony, protected states or protectorates, the bottom line is we were ruled by the British. The so call sovereignty is a sham, in name only.
    yesterday · Report

    Werewolves Can’t blame all these profs..they all have PhD (permanent head damage)..Now I finally understand why we deserve under British rule then..this is because we are too stupid.. the Brits were so smart and so cunning to devise a system of government that even when we were colonised/ruled by them yet we still think we are not..and some people today still think so after so many years of shouting and chanting Merdeka! Merdeka from what?
    yesterday · Report

    Phra Ong Chao From the international law point of view, only the Straits Settlement had the status of British colonies while the rest of the peninsula were British protected states. Sabah and Sarawak were legally protectorates of Britain. Colonies are territories of their colonial masters who exercise full control over all aspects of the colony while protected states and protectorates retain their sovereignty. The state giving protection to protected states and protectorates is responsible for the latter’s external relations and defence. These are some differences between a true colony, protected states and protectorates. Thus, legally speaking, only Malacca and Penang were British colonies. This fact is also evidenced by the application of certain laws as provided by the Civil Law Act 1956.
    yesterday · Report

    dicky woi suhailah….tok janggut tu apa? bukak mati kena bunuh british?
    yesterday · Report

    Anonymous Oh no, is this the pre-curson to our new history text book project?
    yesterday · Report

    MC Just saw the video clip of Zainal Kling. Can somebody please identify the rest of the Professors kangkong/jaguh kampung who were with him so that we know that when they open their mouth, only shit will come out and not to be trusted?
    yesterday · Report

    TAMMA SHOWING IC FRAUD,may i ask during your times of partner to UMNo why PAS did not raise this issue?
    yesterday · Report

    TAMMA I believe this is the Same PAS who troubled indian openly during they being part of UMNO.Isnt it NIK aziz?
    yesterday · Report

    TAMMA PAS is mother of Terrorist,watchout if they come in power they will impose islamic laws on non-muslims and later DAP/Pakatan will divide.The pas will remain opposition forever.
    yesterday · Report

    blind freddo Erm… Did the British take over the administration of the country OR was it gifted to them by the sultans? And were the sultans actually administering anything apart from themselves??
    yesterday · Report

    Anonymous_4054 Collin Abraham. “There he goes again” on his contention that the British never ruled the country! I have taken the trouble to point out to Professor Khoo in a series of articles in the local press that this simply flies in the face of even hard historical facts. Perhaps Professor may,if he feels up to it, take a look and review the work described as a “scholarly polemic”-(Rastam Sani)-“The Finest Hour:Tha Malaysian-MCP Peace Accord in Perspective”. By so doing he might well reveal, once and for all,that he is in fact writing “colonial” rather than what is generally accepted as social history.
    yesterday · Report

    Suhailah Samsuddin If we were really colonised, then explain why was there no bloodshed when we fought(imaginary) for independence. Please answer that PAS and the Opposition before you call the UMNO Profs morons.
    yesterday · Report

    Anonymous Prof Kling probably studied history under British indoctrination. So he is loyal to them and speaks their language! Yes, Malay rulers ruled with their hands tied at the back by colonizers.same thing was done to numerous kings in Indian subcontinent. They did not colonize? What a joke!
    yesterday · Report

    MAHINDAR SINGH we are all wasting time and is in effect a diversion. malasyia has been colonised by the BN govt for the last 50 years and apparently in the process of making all indon and foreigners citizens
    yesterday · Report

    Armageddon UMNO is a fighter, and the only thing that they cant and will not fight is corruption.
    yesterday · Report

    rick teo So now we know that after all this time Mahathir was wrong when he said we wee colonised bty the British empire.So we also now know that Mahathir’s criticism of the British empire as our colonisers were all bullshit and his imagination. That means Mamathir’s creditbilty is an all time low.
    yesterday · Report

    20121221Disaster It seems like majority of the UMNO professors are clowns!
    yesterday · Report

    anakpulau These two are” CARMA” professors. As Pak Samad termed such personalities. Carma stands for “cari makan”.
    yesterday · Report

    Ramachandran Muniandy The group of so called Professors are idiots! The guy Khoo said that Inderaputra is an Indonesian, without realizing that his generation is not from Orang Asli! The Keling is another arse hole who claim the Malaya was not colonized, than why the hell we used currency and coins with King George and British Queen’s head? All government communications were replied at Her Majestic Service. So Keling, why our Sultans were not recognized? We are not stupid idiots like you guys.Remember all the Sultans were addressing the white men ‘Tuan’! All those who served the colonial government were ‘traitors’. Not heroes!
    yesterday · Report

    JusticeKini OMG. I know the universities have gone to the dogs becos of the quality of students they produced. I even more shocked that professors even cannot think straight. I cry for Malaysia. Following the arguments made by these “eminent” professors, Malaya was not colonised but administered. If it is so, why is it the Union Jack was lowered down and the Malayan flag was raised on Merdeka Day. If that is so why are we then celebrating Merdeka.
    yesterday · Report

    tanteo Malaysia Boleh punya Propesar!Bunch of Jokers.
    yesterday · Report

    artchan Why should we celebrate Merdeka Day..if we were never colonised? Is it to benefit some UMNO crony so that they can whack the contracts for staging the event annually.
    yesterday · Report

    Disbeliever How did this Zainal become Head of History at UPSI? Probably an UMNO man? If the then Malaya wasn’t a British colony, why was there a mission to seek independence? If only Singapore, Malacca and Penang were part of the British empire, then rightly, these three states (Singapore is now a self-ruling country) should be independent entities. In fact, the whole of Malaysia should not be celebrating Independence but rather we all should celebrate Malaysia Day: September 16 since Malaysia was formed on this day in 1963 with the inclusion of Sabah and Sarawak. Please don’t crucify me as a non-patriot because in my opinion, celebrating 31 Aug is akin to disregarding Sabah and Sarawak. 31 Aug should rightly remain a chapter for the History books but 16 September is the day for all Malaysians to celebrate the founding/formation of Malaysia.
    yesterday · Report

    FairPlay Prof Emeritus Dr Khoo Kay Khim, if the Star report is correct, I have a simple question for you. Please explain why we celebrate Merdeka on August 31 every year if indeed the British never ruled our country.
    yesterday · Report

    Gen. Half Track This Prof Z. Kling and Prof. Koo- kook- koo are just chari makan cuci thai gomen. Dai Podah !!
    yesterday · Report

    mohd Oh boy! We have never been colonised. Yes!…that is a very good news. Wait a minute…why are we then celebrating Merdeka?
    yesterday · Report

    SMC77 Just a simple question to BN. Why Tuanku Abdul Rahman led the team from various ethic groups to UK for negotiation? Were they spending their time holidaying in London 60+ years ago?
    yesterday · Report

    Tongkat Ali recommend the prof to study history of malayan union..
    yesterday · Report

    Suhailah Samsuddin I agree with the Profs and UMNO that the country was never colonised. It was merely protected by the British. PAS and Hadi must be out of their mind hallucinating something that was not real. If indeed we were colonised then there would have been bloodshed if we had sought independence from the British. Sudahlah.
    yesterday · Report

    Tongkat Ali pls la we also go to school and learn history..
    yesterday · Report

    Anonymous Zainal Kling is suffering from a severe bout of colonial hangover.
    yesterday · Report

    ANONIMOUS Z Now only I get shaken up. I think all of us have been fooled as Malaysia has actually quit from BRITISH COLONIZATION into UMNOPUTRA COLONIZATION. It is from bad to worse like from hot pan into inferno. During the British time, it was bad, but it was never this worse like now. Malaysia did not really have INDEPENDENCE. Don’t you all feel it is getting hotter and hotter like living in hell fire these days in Malaysia? May be this is the time that all the rakyat should stand up like the true freedom fighters in unity to fight for the true INDEPENDENCE from the evil UMNOPUTRA COLONIZATION now.
    yesterday · Report

    Kelantanese Apa yang di kata kan oleh Prof Kang Kong Zainal Keling tu bukan “fakta”.. tapi “AUTA”…. malunya kalau aku jadi sanak saudara dia… mana nak sorok muka.
    yesterday · Report

    Abasir Ben-ghazi said: This Professor Zainal Kling majored in Malay culture, and so how come he is head of history? The answer: In our local “universities” and “colleges”, especially those founded and run by businessmen, importers of used cars and property developers, anybody can be anything. Its all done in the spirit of Malaysia Boleh!
    yesterday · Report

    retnam Ha, ha, ha. UMNO is like Shah Rukh Khan. But not Amita Bachan because he is Hindu. He, he, he.
    yesterday · Report

    retnam I heard this Prof Kang Kong Khim has bought a new luxury appartment in Bukit Kiara area worth 7 million. Anyone can guess where he got the money from so suddenly?
    yesterday · Report

    Samuel Ng This Council of Professors is history. You should now rename yourself as Council of Jokers
    yesterday · Report

    Ben-ghazi It looks like we have a bunch of professor ‘kangkung’ in the national professorial council. What a great shame the council has brought upon itself with the kind of statement made by Professor Zainal Kling, who is said to be head of history department at UPSI. With this kind of professor teaching at UPSI, no wonder the university is only churning out half-past six and half-baked teachers who will be teaching our children and grandchildren. This Professor Zainal Kling majored in Malay culture, and so how come he is head of history?
    yesterday · Report

    Abasir With UMNOized ‘professors’ like the ones who have gained fame through the castrated press and self-annointed historians coming out of the woodwork, its little wonder the country continues to produce half-baked semi-literates masquerading as the intelligentsia. But I guess with Tan Sri and Datuk titles on offer for political loyalty, these parasitic ‘academicians’ will continue to say whatever pleases their political masters. Professor Emeritus has a new meaning in Malaysia.
    yesterday · Report

    Onyourtoes Precisely Hadi, if only more enlightened Malays could come forward to “rescue” this country from an odyssey of return. If we have a Council of Professors spitting nonsense, I think this country is done for. How can this nation ever produce so many whores in three piece suits is simply beyond my comprehension. Are we Malaysians such a despicable race? Have we had no sense of right and wrong any more? How much more disclosures must we highlight before the EC, the NRD and Home Affairs are willing to admit that there were indeed conspiracy to cheat the citizens of the country (particularly Sabah) through fraudulent election processes and illegal granting of citizenships and voting rights to people who are disqualified. Continue…
    yesterday · Report

    Onyourtoes Continue…I much as I would like to think and act Malaysian, but I think it is only the Malays who can save the soul of this nation at this juncture of our history. For more than 50 years, UMNO only has one strategy – to keep the non Malays divided and the Malays ignorant – and they have succeeded in doing so. Now the number of Non Malays has become so small that even if they are united in their opposition to UMNO, they still do not count much (do you think UMNO has not done their maths?). It is the Malays that have the absolute majority and it is the Malays that control almost every institution of power and influence in this country today. Please don’t continue talking about economic wealth of non Malays in this country. It is a myth; the Vietnamese boat people should know better in the 1970s and 1980s.
    yesterday · Report

    Anonymously I am utterly shocked with the statement by our celebrated historian Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim, as reported in the Star Paper, that our country was never ruled by the British. I used to be a distinction student for the subject of history during my school days and today I still pride myself for my knowledge of local history. Now this is mind-boggling! Have I been mis-taught in schools all those years or have our historians gone totally bonkers?
    yesterday · Report

    Tan Kim Keong Bloody idiots these ‘experts’ are in history. Why? Firstly, they have no credibility for making any statements or interpretations on this aspect of our history. They need to publish scholarly work first before they are eligible to do so. However this is sorely lacking. Any wonder why the global rankings of our local universities are so low? Secondly if we were not colonised then what we have been celebrating on every 31st August since 1957 has been a big lie and will also be history in the making for modern Malaysia now that we are still celebrating it. Might as well asked these ‘experts’ to petition the GOM to stop airing the clip in which we have our first PM shouting ‘Merdeka’ 4 times. Bloody idiots!!!
    yesterday · Report

    Keturunan Malaysia OMARMN, betul kata kamu. Kita just celebrated MERDEKA on 31st August… Merdeka daripada siapa? Chin Peng?? Mat Sabu did right… Mat Sabu sapu BERSIH yang KOTOR… !!!
    yesterday · Report

    Compass If the professors are right that the British did not colonise us but merely administered the states of Malaya, does that mean that the sultans in the Malay states had voluntarily handed over the states to the British ? And why did we have to ask God to save their King and Queen and not our Sultan ? And why did we have to fight to regain the “administration” of our country ? Are we expected to believe these eminent professors ???
    yesterday · Report

    Tell the Truth Hadi Awang is correct in that UMNO is trying to distract the people from the more traigc issues of a corrupt election commission who is collaborating with the NRD and UMNO to treacherously admit thousands of foreigners into the country as citizens just like they did in Sabah in order to stay in power. In fact, UMNO is more treacherous to the Malay race by bringing in Indonesians into the country by giving them false citizenships and the rural Malays must know this. The Indonesians will one day be flying the Indonesian flag in Malaysia and deprive all the Malays of their rights that are due to them. UMNO can rid of all the Chinese and Indians from this country but UMNO has to explain how come their own Malays are now treated as second class citizens by the Indonesian Malays?? Bangsa Melayu – wake up!!
    yesterday · Report

    omarmn Of all people this prof. Kangkung came out to say now we’re at the same level with Thailand. So,when Tunku came back from London with his gang instead of telling us that we’re paying no more but he declared Merdeka. May I know Prof.Kangkung, kita merdeka from whom?
    yesterday · Report

    2CTS WORTH Umno a habitual liar not contented with daily lying They want their lying to carry 60 years back The longest liar in the book of guiness tyhe longest liar in the book o
    yesterday · Report

    Bluemountains I hope the so- called historian is not senile yet. Why did we have to sing “GOD SAVE THE QUEEN” and celebrate the Queen’s birthday before 31 August 1957 ?
    yesterday · Report

    Werewolves If the British did not colonize Malaysia before, then why we need to seek independence? Independence from what? From being “protected”? Zainal Kling, probably another UMNO paid “historian”.
    yesterday · Report

  6. Merdeka or Not? September 12, 2011 at 2:25 am Reply

    Merdeka Day: Have we been celebrating a lie?

    ‘If the British did not colonise Malaysia, then why did we need to seek independence? Independence from what? From being ‘protected’?’

    Hadi: Ridiculous to say nation never colonised

    Compass: If the professors are right that the British did not colonise us but merely administered the states of Malaya, does that mean that the sultans in the Malay states had voluntarily handed the states over to the British?

    And why did we have to ask God to save their king and queen and not our sultans? And why did we have to fight to regain the “administration” of our country? Are we expected to believe these eminent professors?

    Tan Kim Keong: If we were not colonised, then what we have been celebrating on every Aug 31 since 1957 has been a big lie.

    We might as well asked these ‘experts’ to petition the government to stop airing the clip in which we have our first PM shouting ‘Merdeka’ four times.

    Suhailah Samsuddin: I agree with the professors and Umno that the country was never colonised. It was merely protected by the British.

    PAS and Hadi must be out of their mind and are hallucinating about something that was not there. If indeed we were colonised, there would have been bloodshed had we sought independence from the British. Sudahlah.

    Milosevic: People are saying the obvious – that there was an anti-British movement way before Umno. After all, Umno’s battle cry during the Malayan Union episode was: “We want protection”.

    Why do readers here want to constrain the Council of Professors (COP) from doing the noble job of supporting Umno by arguing over facts and logic? Of course, real scholars will see Malaya as a colony.

    See Wikipedia: “The ideological underpinnings, as well as the practical application of indirect rule in European colonialism is usually traced to the work of Frederick Lugard, the High Commissioner of the Protectorate of Northern Nigeria from 1899 to 1906.

    “In the lands of the Sokoto Caliphate… Lugard instituted a system whereby external, military, and tax control was operated by the British, while most every other aspect of life was left to local pre-colonial aristocracies who had sided with the British during their conquest.

    “The theory behind this solution to a very practical problem of domination by a tiny group of foreigners of huge populations is laid out in Lugard’s influential work, ‘The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa’.”

    Zana: This is the British we are talking about – the most cultured, subtle and smartest colonial power.

    They are not like the Portugese, Spaniards, Dutch, Japanese or even the Americans. They have legal and diplomatic niceties like advisors, protectorates, indirect rule, helpers, invitation, etc.

    Even after 54 years of singing ‘Negaraku’ and the hoisting of our national colours, some of us still did not get it. What a shame.

    Werewolves: If the British did not colonise Malaysia, then why did we need to seek independence? Independence from what? From being “protected”?

    Whether you call it a true colony, protected states or protectorates, the bottom line is we were ruled by the British. The so-called sovereignty is a sham.

    Tell the Truth: PAS chief Abdul Hadi Awang is correct in that Umno is trying to distract the people from the more tragic issues of a corrupt Election Commission (EC), which is collaborating with the National Registration Department (NRD) and Umno, to treacherously admit thousands of foreigners into the country as citizens just like they did in Sabah in order to stay in power.

    In fact, Umno is more treacherous to the Malay race by bringing in Indonesians into the country and giving them false citizenships. The rural Malays must know this. The Indonesians will one day be flying the Indonesian flag in Malaysia and deprive all the Malays of their rights that are due to them.

    Umno can rid of all the Chinese and Indians from this country but Umno has to explain how come the Malays will soon be treated as second-class citizens by the Indonesian Malays.

    Onyourtoes: Precisely Hadi Awang, if only more enlightened Malays could come forward to “rescue” this country from an odyssey of return.

    If we have a Council of Professors spitting nonsense, I think this country is done for. Are we Malaysians such a despicable race? Have we had no sense of right and wrong anymore?

    How much more disclosures must we highlight before the Election Commission, the National Registration Department and Home Ministry are willing to admit that there were indeed a conspiracy to cheat the citizens of the country (particularly Sabah) through fraudulent election processes and illegal granting of citizenships and voting rights to people who are disqualified.

    I, much as I would like to think and act Malaysian, believe it is only the Malays who can save the soul of this nation at this juncture of our history. For more than 50 years, Umno has one strategy – to keep the non-Malays divided and the Malays ignorant – and they have succeeded in doing so.

    Now the number of non-Malays has become so small that even if they are united in their opposition to Umno, they still do not count much (do you think Umno has not done their maths?).
    It is the Malays that have the absolute majority and it is the Malays that control almost every institution of power and influence in this country today.

    SMC77: Just a simple question to BN: Why Tunku Abdul Rahman led the team of various ethnic group leaders to UK to negotiate with the British? Were they spending their time holidaying in London 60-plus years ago?

    Anonymously: I am still reeling in shock. It looks like the very core of our local history is in dispute. Had it come from an LCE school dropout, it is understandable but coming from scholarly authorities… OMG!

  7. Colonized people September 12, 2011 at 2:26 am Reply

    ‘Why would I want to stray into the realm of polemics when, as a kid, I had to sing ‘God Save the King’, and later ‘God Save the Queen’.’

    Merdeka Day: Have we been celebrating a lie?

    Mengxiang: Colony or protectorate, who cares? Why would I want to stray into the realm of polemics when, as a kid, I had to sing the national anthem which was ‘God Save the King’ and later ‘God Save the Queen’.

    Those who resided in the Straits Settlements were said to be British subjects and those elsewhere in the peninsula, subjects of the sultans of the respective states. However, the same currency was shared and the same set of laws as well.

    Meranti Kepong: Unless one country has been either a colony or protectorate, it cannot be a member of the British Commonwealth to which allegiance was to the Queen of England.

    Whether the extremists denied Malaysia had been or had not been a British colony, why did Malaysia remain as member of the British Commonwealth?

    Anonymous_4031: Emergency was declared because the communists wanted to chase out the British with the motive of Independence for Malaya.

    Note that Communist Party of Malaya leader Chin Peng was honoured by the British monarch with the Order of the British Empire for fighting side by side with the British soldiers against the Japanese.

    The communists then trained their guns at the British soldiers. To clip their wings, the British government granted Independence to the three major races – Malays, Chinese and Indians – represented by Umno, MCA and MIC respectively.

    By granting Merdeka to Malaya, the British want to ensure that the communists had no cause to fight for.

    Cannon: To what relevance should Malaysians debate whether or not our country had been colonised by the British, when the real oppressor in our midst is Umno.

    Our nation today is colonised by Umno. Malaysians should rid our country of the tyranny of Umno and restore what the locusts have eaten. Then, they can rewrite the country’s history books to correct the spin, distortions and falsehoods perpetrated by this evil regime.

    Black Mamba: The next clarion call of the marginalised Malays should be “Merdeka” from Umno-BN. And we should have a new date for Independence, not Aug 31 or Sept 16, but the date of the next general election when we are completely free from the shackles of BN ala Umno.

    Sarawakian_3ff9: As far as the Sabahans and Sarawakians are concerned, we’re still being colonised.

    In fact, life under the BN government is a lot worse than under the British government then. The country is being run like a Mafia domain – racists, religious lunatics, corrupt politicians and civil servants are allowed to have a free run of the states.

    Little difference between colony and protectorate

    Anonymous: Whether we call it protectorate or colony, it makes no difference. What is the difference between Straits Settlements (SS) and the Federated (FMS) or Unfederated Malay states (UFMS)? None.

    The SS were governed directly by the British as the rulers had ceded these lands to the British Crown.

    The FMS and UFMS were governed by the Brits through the sultans of each Malay state. Malaya was then part of the British Empire.

    The SS was governed by a governor, while each Malay state by a resident who appointed ‘Orang Putih’ district officers. We were all subject and subservient to the Colonial Office in London.

    When I first went to school, we sang ‘God Save the King’ and later ‘God Save the Queen’, and hoisted the Union Jack before the assembly each morning. It was only after Merdeka that we sang ‘Negaraku’ and hoisted the Malayan flag.

    Whether we call it colony or protectorate is only a matter of structure and system. Do our academicians care to defer?

    Blind Freddo: This is so Malaysian. We waste so much time quibbling over words and we waste even more time living in the past.

    I’ve got this sneaking suspicion that Malaysians are incapable of planning for the future because there’s been some pretty awful planning decisions and none of the political parties seem to have any thoughts for anything, but the here and now and their own personal well-being.

    RAW: The problem with Malaysians (in general) is not that they pay too much attention to details, but rather that they don’t.
    Colony or protectorate, who cares?

    So it’s good that PAS deputy president Mat Sabu’s remark on the Bukit Kepong incident has generated this much interest in the history of the nation.

    A point of interest that should not be missed is that the Bukit Kepong incident took place in 1950. By that time, irrespective of whether one thinks of the nine protectorate states as colonies or otherwise, the British had already made clear their political intention to colonise all the states on the Malay peninsular.

    After 1945, it should be obvious that Malaya was in spirit a colony, even though the British did not achieve in letter their plan to colonise.

  8. UMNO's crazy head September 12, 2011 at 2:37 am Reply

    From a Merdeka story to ‘sup ayam’

    ‘To publicise the rest of the incognito independence fighters would really dilute the Umno independence ‘curry’ to just to a mere thin ‘sup ayam’.’

    Mat Sabu: Umno fears the facts of history

    Gerard Samuel Vijayan: After the shocking, skewed and inaccurate interpretation of post-1946 history in Malaya and the fight for independence by the Umno-inspired and sympathetic Council of Professors (MPN), of which a large number are either members of Umno or Perkasa and other right-wing Malay NGOs and all are aligned to Umno/BN, we can safely conclude that:

    a) Malaya was never colonised so the fight for independence was but a figment of Umno’s imagination; and

    b) that Umno colluded and conspired with the British to exterminate and eliminate all political parties, associations, trades unions and groups on the left simply to serve the imperialist agenda of the West and retain Western hegemony in the Far East through proxy governments like the Alliance post-1955.

    So who are the heroes and the traitors here? Those who fought the British even through an armed struggle for ideological reasons? Or the British-sponsored and protected Umno? Isn’t Umno guilty of neo-colonialism then?

    Cala: To me, at the extreme, the time for a proper appraisal of the “true history” of Malaya leading to its independence can only be done after all actors- agents have moved to another world.

    When they are still around, it is in their interests to imagine, write and interpret history in any manner they so please simply because they hold the power to do so.

    As an example, every party cadre sang praises of Mao Zedong when he was in their midst. The tune changed when he kicked the bucket.

    Much as I like Mat Sabu’s candidness, he is on soft ground to debate with the powers-that-be in the current scenario.

    Keturunan Malaysia:Were we really colonised at one time? Was Merdeka for real? If the answer is yes, then from whom did we gain our independence? From the communists? Or from the British?

    Is Mat Sabu wrong? Or are the professors right?

    Anonymous_408b: Let us, once and for all, shoot a huge cannon, blow them up with this issue and then get back to our priorities – the Bersih 2.0 demands and mounting corruption. Umno and its media are trying to deviate our focus and mind from their plans.

    Yes, thanks to Mat Sabu for the valuable history lesson, but we will fix them when Pakatan has won the 13th general election.

    Faz: Everyone can see how Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian and New Straits Times are spinning the issue by circumventing the main issue of who actually fought for independence (not only those in Umno, MCA and MIC) and rousing the emotions of those family members who lost loved ones in the communist insurgency.

    This diversion is really cheap, but then, what else do they have on hand to show? For sure, to publicise the rest of the incognito independence fighters would really dilute the Umno independence ‘curry’ to just to a mere thin ‘sup ayam’.

    Up2U: We are talking of 1950, and at that time the freedom fighters were those who fought against the colonial rulers, the British. Those who fought under the communist banner were also freedom fighters albeit with a different political ideology.

    Many freedom fighters who fought under the communist banner later came out of the jungle and were offered citizenship and even posts in the newly-formed police force. They were no longer deemed communists but till the day they die, they were constantly visited by the Special Branch (SB).

    Some communists like Chin Peng continue to oppose the government and they were chased out of the country. These are facts but then will Professor Khoo Kay Kim be interested in these facts.

    Anonimous Z: Last night my family was invited to an open house of an ex-serviceman who is like a brother to me.

    I mingled around with his former colleagues, mostly retired senior officers. They were chatting and disclosing to the crowd that since Hari Raya, they have been harassed many times by SB officers instigating them to lodge police report against Mat Sabu over the Bukit Kepong issue, which they rejected outright. They also know that many of their colleagues faced the same harassment.

    According to them, everyone in the service knew about the truth of Bukit Kepong but had no guts to speak out. They applauded Mat Sabu for being the first real patriot among all political leaders who dared speak the truth on the matter.

    They said the truth shall eventually prevail in time. They praised not only Mat Indera as a hero; Mat Sabu too is a hero.

    Anonymous: Whether Mat Sabu was right or wrong, the right thing to do is to debate the issue. Sending the police to his doorstep is really not right and is a form of harassment. Nowadays everything involves the police. Democratic country, you call this?

    Seriously, this has nothing to do with race or religion. Everyone has the right to form their opinion of the past – that’s why Mat Sabu and Karpal Singh may have different opinions.

    Hanyayangbenar: That is what I like with Pakatan Rakyat now. Leaders of coalition parties can disagree with one another on many issues but at same time trigger healthy discussions and debates among the public in the search for truth.

    In BN, other components parties have to kowtow to whatever Umno said, and do not dare to challenge it if something was wrong.

    Black Mamba: Mat Sabu has set the record straight and the truth has set him free.

    Many roads in Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI), KL are named under left-wing nationalist Burhanuddin Helmi. If he didn’t contribute to the Malaysian independence, why are the authorities commemorating him till this day?

  9. History or His Story September 12, 2011 at 2:40 am Reply

    By Masterwordsmith

    Many historians would probably not only have turned in their graves, but would have miraculously risen from the dead had they read Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s statement here that said Malaysian history as currently taught in schools was inaccurate. The rationale he gave was that “it failed to provide proper context of the country’s fight for independence”.

    Having worked hard to achieve an A1 for my History @ MCE level, I feel deeply shocked that the former PM said:

    “Many from the younger generation do not understand history and the origin of the nation, as there were attempts to alter historical facts into fantasy.”


    Born on 10th July 1925, TDM was Malaysia’s longest serving Prime Minister having served 22 years from 1981 to 2003. With a political career that spanned almost 40 years, he never said anything about this, especially since he was Minister of Education from 1974-1978. If he truly has the welfare of the nation and the perspective of the ‘younger generation’ at heart, why did he keep quiet when he had the political platform to do it then? Why is he making such a serious allegation that puts many into a quandary with regards to their credibility and expertise after EIGHT YEARS of retirement? Did he only JUST see the ‘light’? Why now?

    Is TDM thus questioning the effectiveness of the Ministry of Education and all the past Ministers of Education including:

    TDM himself who was Minister of Education 1974-1978 (Read this)
    Y.B. Tan Sri Musa Bin Hitam (1978-1981)
    Y.B. Tan Sri Amar Dr.Sulaiman Bin Hj.Daud (1981-1984)
    Y.A.B. Dato Seri Abdullah Bin Hj.Ahmad Badawi (1984-1986)
    Y.B. Dato’ Seri Anwar Bin Ibrahim (1986-1991)
    Y.B. Tan Sri Amar Dr.Sulaiman Bin Hj.Daud (1991-1995)
    Y.A.B Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak (1995-1999)
    Y.B. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Musa Bin Mohammad (1999-2004)
    Y.B. Dato’ Sri Hishamuddin bin Tun Hussein (2004-2009)
    Y.A.B Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin bin Mohd Yassin (2009 – kini) (Source: This site)

    With his latest outburst, he has practically rewritten history that we have learnt. It is His Story!

    Does this mean famous historians, textbook writers, history majors in universities, teaching staff at universities/schools/colleges and higher institutions of learning including students, graduates etc have to UNLEARN everything that they have learnt/written or studied because this ‘fantasy’ was only highlighted NOW?

    And it has taken Dr Mahathir THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS to highlight this ‘fantasy’ issue.

    Who is the one living in a world of ‘fantasy’ all this while?

  10. Twisted facts September 12, 2011 at 2:41 am Reply

    Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak says that we must not change historical facts. And one ‘historical fact’ is that UMNO fought for Merdeka. Well, let us go through this very brief history lesson about the fight for Merdeka and see what happened in the early years and how Merdeka for Malaya was eventually granted.


    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    PM: Don’t change historical facts

    Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has reminded the people not to change historical facts or to glorify the communist terrorists.

    He said the communist terrorists in the past era were certainly cruel and the people were in their grips as their ideology did not favour the people. They were anti-religion and despotic, he said.

    “That was why we opposed the communists at that time because they were behaving cruelly in this country,” he said at the Malaysia Aidilfitri-Merdeka 2011 open house on Sunday.

    Najib said the communists at that time were different from the present communism because in the past, the communists did not give the people the right to be wealthy.

    “The present communism is different from the past. Previously, they wanted to control the country and spread the ideology which did not give the people their rights.

    “We are friendly with communist countries now because they have discarded their old ideology,” he said.


    In 1915, Tan Cheng Lock launched the Straits Chinese British Association (SCBA) and became its first President. In 1923, he was appointed a member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements. In 1926, Cheng Lock made history by delivering a speech to the Council about the ideals of a territorially and politically united Malaya.

    Cheng Lock spent the war years in exile in India during WWII. In 1949, together with Tun Leong Yew Koh and Colonel H. S. Lee, he launched the Malayan Chinese Association (MCA).

    Under Cheng Lock’s leadership, MCA engaged with senior Malay leaders from UMNO (which was formed earlier in 1946) such as Datuk Onn Jaafar and Tunku Abdul Rahman. Cheng Lock also joined the All-Malaya Council of Joint Action (AMCJA) and became its Chairman.

    Many informal meetings were held between Onn Jaafar, Cheng Lock, and E.E.C. Thuraisingham (who represented the Indians), which resulted in the formation of the Communities Liaison Committee (CLC).

    The CLC became the platform for hammering out proposals and compromises on a number of issues that included citizenship, education, democracy, and in resolving the deadlock on Ketuanan Melayu.

    It was eventually decided that an ‘agreement’ would be forged between the Malays and non-Malays. In return for giving up Ketuanan Melayu (the Malays’ special position), the Malays would receive assistance from the non-Malays in closing the economic gap between the impoverished and overwhelmingly rural Malays with the substantially better off and urban non-Malays.

    Thuraisingham later said, “It is true. I and others believed that the backward Malays should be given a better deal. Malays should be assisted to attain parity with non-Malays to forge a united Malayan Nation of equals.”

    In 1946, the British tried to implement the Malayan Union. That was when and the reason why UMNO was formed, to oppose the Malayan Union.

    That same year, the Malayan Democratic Union (MDU) sponsored a meeting in Singapore to “provide the machinery for the various communities, through their organisations and associations, to reach agreement on all points connected with the future constitution of Malaya, thus avoiding the dangers of separated and self-interested representation.”

    Ahmad Boestamam and Musa Ahmad of the Malay Nationalist Party led the formation of Pusat Tenaga Ra’ayat (PUTERA), which later included the non-Malays to become the PUTERA-AMCJA.

    PUTERA-AMCJA was the first platform for the fight for Merdeka. In 1947, the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce (ACCC) together with PUTERA-AMCJA supported a nation-wide strike called the All Malaya Hartal with an aim to pressure the British into discussing Merdeka.

    The Hartal, modelled after the one organised by Gandhi in India, was very successful. UMNO, however, opposed the Hartal and organised counter demonstrations in many parts of Malaya. UMNO was basically pro-British.

    In 1948, the plan for the Malayan Union was replaced with the Federation of Malaya. The Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), who opposed the Federation and wanted self-rule or Merdeka, decided to launch an armed rebellion. With that ended the PUTERA-AMCJA and the Emergency was declared.

    The British realised that Merdeka was inevitable. But they refused to talk to the CPM, Malay Nationalist Party, Malayan Democratic Union or PUTERA-AMCJA. The British felt that British interests in Malaya (which contributed to about a third of Britain’s economy) would be better protected with an UMNO-led government heading an independent Malaya.

    One important point to note is that the CPM insurrection was very costly for the British who were almost bankrupted by the war. This made it necessary for them to quickly resolve the issue of Merdeka. In that sense, the CPM helped accelerate Merdeka and it assisted UMNO in its negotiations with the British.

    Those who opposed UMNO were rounded up and detained by the British. Those, like Mustapha Hussein, who joined UMNO, were spared arrest. Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Razak Hussein, however, were not only not arrested but were allowed to tour the length and breadth of Malaya to speak at ceramahs in their fight for Merdeka.

    It was clear that the British were assisting UMNO in its fight for Merdeka.

    Datuk Andika, who died in Kuala Terengganu at the age of 100 a few years ago, was the Assistant District Officer of Dungun around that era. He formed UMNO in Terengganu soon after meeting Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Razak in Kuantan.

    Datuk Andika told me he was encouraged by the British to join UMNO and his boss, the District Officer, not only gave him leave to campaign for UMNO but he was also given financial support by the British.

  11. Bad UMNO September 12, 2011 at 2:43 am Reply

    Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said Malaysian history as currently taught in schools was inaccurate. National Professors’ Council (MPN) has taken the debate further by claiming that Malaya, the precursor to Malaysia, was never colonised by the British Empire and had merely been a protectorate. Last week, Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Khaled Nordin said the current History syllabus in schools was in need of review.


    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Dr M: History turning into fantasy

    Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said Malaysian history as currently taught in schools was inaccurate, claiming that it failed to provide proper context of the country’s fight for independence.

    “Many from the younger generation do not understand history and the origin of the nation, as there were attempts to alter historical facts into fantasy,” the former prime minister was quoted as saying in a Bernama Online report today.

    The subject of local history became a hot topic after Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia alleged that PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu had said on August 27 that the communists who attacked the Bukit Kepong police station during the pre-Merdeka insurgency were heroes.

    National Professors’ Council (MPN) has taken the debate further by claiming that Malaya, the precursor to Malaysia, was never colonised by the British Empire and had merely been a protectorate.

    Today, Dr Mahathir urged the government ensure that historical accuracy be given priority over political expedience.

    “The government needs to focus on what really transpired so that writings on the country’s history would not be influenced by current political interests… History is all about what had happened, and we cannot change that… whatever happened in the past, had happened,” said Dr Mahathir.

    Last week, Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Khaled Nordin said the current History syllabus in schools was in need of review.


    Malaysia’s First Lady, Rosmah Mansor, and the Deputy Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, are currently in London where it is believed they met the British government to discuss amendments to the British distortion of history.

    The documents in the National Archives in London talk about the British Colonial government of Malaya and refer to the Colonial Office. This gives the wrong impression that Malaya was a colony of Britain whereas this was not so, says Malaysia. Malaya was never colonised by Britain, argues Malaysia.

    Britain responded by pointing to the fact that 31st August every year since 1957 is celebrated as Merdeka Day. This proves that Malaya was never Merdeka or independent before 31st August 1957, which means it was a colony of Britain.

    If Malaysia will abolish the 31st August Merdeka Day celebration, then Britain will consider amending all the documents in the National Archives in London and will delete all references to the Colonial Office in these documents.

    Furthermore, the First Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, is called Bapa Merdeka. If Malaya was never a colony of Britain then it could not have been granted Merdeka, which means Tunku Abdul Rahman can no longer be called Bapa Merdeka, Britain pointed out.

    A further problem that will be raised, Britain pointed out, would be whether the Malaysian Constitution would still be valid since it was a Merdeka Constitution. This would also affect the status of the Rulers who have all been reduced to the status of Constitutional Monarchies. Power would have to be given back to the Rulers who would rule as Absolute Monarchies.

    The First Lady and the Deputy Prime Minister told the media during a press conference that the matter will require further discussion and it may be in the long-term interest of the nation that Malaysia acknowledges that prior to 31st August 1957 it was a British colony after all.

    The Cabinet will receive the report on Wednesday and it is expected to issue a statement asking Malaysian historians to stop arguing that Malaysia was never colonised by Britain since this raised too many questions involving other issues.

  12. Mahathir and Fantasy History September 12, 2011 at 2:46 am Reply

    Subjek sejarah di sekolah kurang tepat, kata Dr M

    ALOR SETAR: Subjek Sejarah yang diajar di sekolah-sekolah dilihat kurang tepat kerana tidak mempunyai latar belakang perjuangan kemerdekaan, kata bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    Beliau berkata subjek itu tidak begitu tepat kerana salah satunya cerita mengenai peranan Tunku Abdul Rahman yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan negara tidak banyak disebut dalam silibus subjek berkenaan.

    “Ramai daripada generasi muda tidak begitu faham dengan sejarah dan asal-usul negara kerana ada percubaan untuk mengubah sejarah daripada fakta kepada khayalan,” katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui selepas Majlis Pecah Tanah Dewan Centennial KSAH-SAHOCA di sini hari ini.
    Beliau berkata kerana itulah kerajaan perlu menumpukan apa sebenarnya berlaku supaya tulisan tentang sejarah negara tidak dipengaruhi oleh kepentingan politik semasa.
    Benda yang benar

    “Bukan mengkaji semula sejarah tetapi perlu balik kepada benda yang benar. Sejarah sudah berlaku dan kita tidak boleh ubah sejarah dan apa yang berlaku dahulu…berlakulah,” katanya mengulas kenyataan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin pada Jumaat.
    Mohamed Khaled berkata sukatan pelajaran subjek sejarah peringkat sekolah akan dikaji semula selepas didapati beberapa fakta sebelum ini tidak lengkap dan terdapat percanggahan fakta mengenainya hasil kajian ahli falsafah dan teologi negara, Tan Sri Prof Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas di dalam buku terbarunya ‘Historical fact and fiction’.
    Tun Mahathir berkata sekarang ini generasi muda menganggap bahawa perjuangan untuk kemerdekaan itu perkara biasa kerana mereka dilahirkan dalam sebuah negara yang sudah merdeka dan makmur.

    “Jadi mereka (generasi muda) menganggap bahawa dalam mana-mana negara pun akan berlaku demikian, tapi kalau kita buat lawatan ke negara-negara lain yang mencapai kemerdekaan semasa kita mencapai kemerdekaan, kita akan dapati bahawa mereka tak dapat bangunkan negara mereka seperti Malaysia,”

    48 Responses to Subjek sejarah di sekolah kurang tepat, kata Dr M

    soros zhou on September 12, 2011 at 9:51 am
    yes, for once, i agreed with this old man, the history book in Malaysia is all wrong, Malay is also Pendatang to this part of the world especially to Sabah and Sarawak!!!,
    yes, go ahead and correct this wrongly stated fact, meaning, Peninsular belong to the Orang Asli and orang Melayu juga orang pendatang!!!!

    Guest on September 12, 2011 at 9:42 am
    Why didn’t Mahathir said anything during his 22 years as PM?

    Liberal Citizen on September 12, 2011 at 9:36 am
    Perjuangan merdeka? Then how come our celebration of Merdeka Day has changed to Malaysia Day, Sept 16?

    pagarmakanpadi on September 12, 2011 at 9:09 am
    The Malaya history book written by an english man 1910 , can be download from internet has more accurate historical fact of pre merdeka Malaya than the manipulated history book in schools , which only praises the Majority race propaganda and contribution of the other races are down played at minimum. Historical fact are distorted that only UMNO cohorts fight for Independence.

    UMNOjahat on September 12, 2011 at 9:01 am
    In 54 years UMNO has change history book facts to suit UMNO propoganda.

    pagarmakanpadi on September 12, 2011 at 8:58 am
    This mamak during his tenure , he scrue up most important institution of Malaysia like judiciary, executive, election corruption,policy for one race, illiberalize trade, made secular to Islam country , he his the one allow UMNO to manipulate the history book to suit UMNO racist Propoganda, now the history book looks more religious than fact in the past, where is hang Tua, Jebat dll missing after they discover that the are Chinese warrior ,Why should UMNO hide truth ,why should every peices of history should speak about malays race, where is the contribution of other races to the economy pre & post merdeka, Indian contribution to rubber is 60% revenue for Malaya and tin by Chinese 25% ,Why now UMNO only want racist Intelok to be taught in school which, the teach cast system in school and never slightest mention about good things about the other races, he mamak done most damaged to the country , and now he still doing damaged corroborating with extremist PERKASA.

    votetochange on September 12, 2011 at 4:00 am
    He change the law to suite him
    He cahnge the Judiciary to suite him
    He chande the Pdrm to suite him
    He change the three deputies to suite him
    He change his father to suite him
    Now he wants to change History to suite him
    Then next he will change himself to be God of Malaysia

    DKK on September 12, 2011 at 7:59 am
    I like that ” He change his father to suite him ” Melayu Pariah Umno would be proud of that.

    LOL on September 12, 2011 at 12:51 am
    Our history not accurate? wow…took you 20+ years to realize that???

    Guest on September 12, 2011 at 9:42 am
    So, the history we knew from the text books are all a lie?

    5kb on September 12, 2011 at 12:14 am
    MAMAKTHIR, You are the WORST PM, Malaysia ever. Please keep your mouth shout and rest in peace!
    The more you talk the more divides you create the unity races in Malaysia.

    malabarikhann on September 11, 2011 at 11:28 pm
    Kata2 Dr Mahathir “Bukan mengkaji semula sejarah tetapi perlu balik kepada benda yang benar. Sejarah sudah berlaku dan kita tidak boleh ubah sejarah dan apa yang berlaku dahulu…berlakulah,” Jadi benda yang benar UMNO adalah pro British dan juga talibarut rakyat, kenapa diubah yang UMNO adalah parti yg berjuang untk rakyat

    Anon on September 12, 2011 at 7:31 am
    Siapa kata UMNO pro British dan apa makna talibarut rakyat? Kau datang dari malabari mcm mana tau? Kau dengar cerita kominis ke?

    Shit-In-Your-Face on September 11, 2011 at 11:18 pm
    Dei Mamak Kutty, if there ever is mention of you in the history books when you’re dead and buried, it will only be about the evil, tyrannical and corrupted bastard that you were and about how you robbed and destroyed the nation and divided its people.

    Andy on September 11, 2011 at 11:13 pm
    adoi…Sejarah malaysia beratus tahun pun ada yg tak tepat. China beribu tahun sejarah masih boleh diingati kukuh dan tepat. Ini masalah politik yg menggunakan sejarah untuk tipu rakyat.

    Anon on September 12, 2011 at 6:50 am
    Bacalah apa professor Wang Gung Wu (dulu Universiti Malaya, sekarang diSingapore) kata berkenaan apa yang dikata dalam sejarah China orang Cina saja yang bertamadun, orang lain tidak – tak benar kata Professor itu.
    Kalau mau rujukannya, beri tau disini, nanti saya carikan butiran penulisannya itu.

    mankaq on September 11, 2011 at 10:59 pm
    jangan takutttttttttt……….
    tok wan det kita mau tulis sendiri sejarah baru……..
    mau buat buku baru……banyak laris daa….boleh bikin modal………
    apa pasal itu gambar bro anwar sudah kena buang di PWTC???……..itu mcm sejarah pun ada ke??…….
    kah kah kah

    Kkk on September 12, 2011 at 12:25 am
    Buat apa taruk anwar punya gambar…. dia dipanggil Al-BONTOTI oleh Mat Sapu !!!

    Zack on September 11, 2011 at 10:11 pm
    Tahniah Tun Mahathir kerana mengingatkan semua orang.
    Perkara pertama yang kita perlu betulkan adalah UMNO 1946 telah diharamkan pada tahun 1988. UMNO (Baru) hanya ditubuhkan pada 1988. Jadi UMNO (Baru) bukan UMNO yang mem[perjuangkan kemerdekaan.
    Yang lain-lain tu saya rasa telah dibincangkan oleh ramai orang, jadi tak perlulah disebutkan.

    Orang Borneo on September 11, 2011 at 9:55 pm

    Karanraj Sathinathan on September 11, 2011 at 9:36 pm
    Mamak Mahathir – you, yourself changed your own history – born of a Kerala Malayalee Indian Mamak – you called yourself 100% original Malay(MELAYU ASLI). What a joke! Your mentor Muhyiddin is 100% involved in rewritting History books just ordered by you – belady fool – to bring in 50% of Islamic studies and reduce tremendously the sacrifices of Chinese and Indians in Malaya’s development. Even facts have been changed – Indians are crucified for what they have not done. One example – Yap Ah Loy is given just a sentence to explain about him. Another example: it was Chinese Merchants who assisted Portuguese in their attack on Malacca Sultanate because Malacca Sultan had imprisoned them earlier – but now you have changed it to – it was the Indian Merchants who assisted the attack. You all are shameless creatures forgetting that Malays owe their gratitude to Indians because the Malay Language, customs, traditions, ceremonies, dances were all taken from the great Hindu Civilization which is more than 10000 years old.
    Now your experts telling Malaya was not colonized BUT THEN WHY UMNO, MCA, MIC Presidents went to London to negotiate and signed the independence declaration. Actually this country is going down into drain because of you, your deputy and Kerala Malayalee Mamak. Soon completed History Books will be sent to muziums for safe-keeping as your so called expert Historians are just school teachers, know nuts about anything at all. First learn to respect other humans if not go to Somalia and do your service for the poor Muslims there. Treat all Malaysians in 1Malaysian way – equally, fairly, not biased against any single Malaysia.

    Anon on September 12, 2011 at 6:44 am
    Tun Dr Mahathir did not call himself 100% Malay – he admitted he has Indian blood, stu. Note that I have not called this Karanraj fler stupid.
    How to believe the rest of what you say, accusing all sorts, when you don’t even know a simple fact like I said above, stu?

    Anion on September 12, 2011 at 10:05 am
    Your answer has no difference from what the people in UMNO has always used to evade from their actual meanings and blames the listener to be either confused or do not undertand the remarks made. Sigh…. if he is a mamak, he is a mamak. Nothing near a Malay or all the Peranakans in Penang and Malacca are also Malays and should deserve their bumiputra rights on par with the rest of the “Bumiputra jiplaks”.

    2Malaysia on September 11, 2011 at 9:32 pm
    Ya pukimamak! Bapa Perkauman Malaysia

    k on September 11, 2011 at 9:23 pm
    Najib – you are two headed snake. Your government is involved in rewritting History books to bring in 50% of it Islamic studies and reduce tremendously the sacrifices of Chinese and Indians in Malaya’s development. Even facts have been changed – Indians are crucified for what they have not done. One example – it was Chinese Merchants who assisted Portuguese in their attack on Malacca Sultanate because Malacca Sultan had imprisoned them earlier – but now you have changed it to – it was the Indian Merchants who assisted the attack. You all are shameless creatures forgetting that Malays owe their gratitude to Indians because the Malay Language, customs, traditions, ceremonies, dances were all taken from the great Hindu Civilization which is more than 10,000 years old.
    Now your experts telling Malaya was not colonized BUT THEN WHY UMNO, MCA, MIC Presidents went to London to negotiate and signed the independence declaration. Actually this country is going down into drain because of you, your deputy and Kerala Malayalee Mamak. Soon completely new History book will be written telling Britain and USA were once colonies of Malaya, as your so called experts can write anything which BN says ok. First learn to treat all Malaysians in 1Malaysian way – equally, fairly, not biased against any single Malaysia.

    screw mrt on September 11, 2011 at 8:38 pm
    Mahathir will have a place in history, definitely! As a former prime minister with evil heart who is bent on destroying racial harmony and peace in Malaysia.

    AintLifeAShitHole on September 11, 2011 at 10:56 pm
    And the rakyat will piss and spit on his grave.

    ah cai on September 11, 2011 at 8:35 pm
    Just shut up your mouth Mahathir. U no long longer in power. Your voice is useless now. U have made our country in the mess…
    REPLY on September 12, 2011 at 12:22 am
    He contributed n u say its a mess…. whats in your eyes… Cock siang’s semen?

    Anon on September 12, 2011 at 6:37 am
    Good of you to come out and defend TDM, khoo.

    umnodog on September 11, 2011 at 8:14 pm
    REPLY on September 12, 2011 at 12:20 am

    LOO TAU LAH on September 11, 2011 at 8:13 pm
    Hey father of lie what crap are saying now, where and what were you doing as a PM of your dongkey years in this nation, were you taking ( makan gaji buta) you should shut your filthy mouth now liar .

    bigjoe on September 11, 2011 at 8:05 pm
    The Father of Malaysia’s revisionism says the books are STILL not accurate?

    john on September 11, 2011 at 8:03 pm
    good let us see your histroy what was your did in second war do you know 100,000 Malaysia in second war your father help the japanes in second war and send most of Malaysia to build Burma railway do you remember that and you pull tenku leg went he was in power and how about chin peng went you make are deal with him and now you don,t let him in Malaysia he is real Malaysia not like you mamak 1 generation Malaysia come , Malaysia prime minister what you did went you was are prime minister make trouble and destroy our good system and bring in thief crimanal to our country and give away 24 hour citizen great man you call your self because no body going call you that

    Err? on September 11, 2011 at 7:43 pm
    Dasar kepala hotak pembelit, mamak. Kalau difikirkan sekali imbas, apa yang dinyatakan beliau, seolah-olah amat tepat sekali. TETAPI, kalau diperhalusi dengan mendalam, ia sebenarnya ‘PULANG ASAL, BALIK ASAL’. No point at all.

    BOILING_HOT on September 11, 2011 at 6:29 pm
    The history of this power junkies old man will not be good. He is a known authoritarian, dictator, corrupt and manipulator.The new generation should be taught who started the “May 13” riot. The new generation should be taught not to be obsessed by UMNO’s history.
    The real independence of Malaysia is when UMNO become the only opposition party in the near future.

    Utopia on September 12, 2011 at 12:18 am
    DAP started may 13, you bloody ass hole… and now wanted to revive the event!

    Anon on September 12, 2011 at 6:33 am
    Good of you to come out and say so, Utopia. These DAP goons must be told in no uncertain terms that thy cannot “re-write” the history of this country to suit their own political purpose, twisting even reversing the facts of history.
    The facts have been recorded in the White Paper that was tabled before Parliament and accepted as the true record of events regarding the race riots of 1969. And the White Paper states the role of the DAP in the inflammatory election campaign speeches and the unruly, rude shouting, taunting and obscene behaviour, including unbuttoning their trousers, during the election results victory celebration convoy of vehicles passing through Malay areas like Kampung Bahru, KL.
    The White Paper can be googled for more details.

    Johari on September 11, 2011 at 6:20 pm
    Now only mentioned ah? Don’t you think too late? sigh! In fact, it was totally very misleading in all the history subject teach in school.
    I just wondering who go and see the Bristish in London when Malaysia want the INDEPENDENT? Is it one and only TAR? or there are somebody else follow together?

    watchdog on September 11, 2011 at 6:12 pm
    You bloody bahalul.
    Nothing was made tepat under you except corruption

    PooYi on September 11, 2011 at 5:51 pm
    Peranan Tun Mamak harus dipuji. Kata-Kata beliau patut kita catit didepan pintu dan dinding sekolah supaya ruang diguna dengan bermakna. Lagipun murid-murid dan guru sentiasa dapat belajar kebijaksanaan saat saat tiap tiapi hari.

    Anon on September 12, 2011 at 6:19 am
    Kamu mempersendakan nama Tun Dr Mahathir. Bukankah nama kamu itu memperPooYikan Maharaja China yang terakhir, Emperor Pui Yi?
    Tahu kah kamu Pui Yi itu dari dinasti orang Manchuria (negeri asing yang menjadi sebahagian negeri China hanya selepas Perang Dunia ke2) yang telah menyerang, menawan, menakluk negeri China dan memerintahnya beberapa ratus tahun hingga keawal abad 20? Adakah kamu jenis yang tak hormatkan pemimpin dan bekas pemimpin sebab kamu keturunan yang bencikan pemimpin yang menakluk negeri China dalam sejarah?
    Tahukah kamu bahawa tentera Manchuria yang menyerang dan menawan negeri China itu telah dikhianati oleh seorang panglima (General) Cina yang geramkan kapada pemerintah dan mengarahkan orangnya membuka pintu gerbang Great Wall of China disempadan Manchuria untuk tentera Manchuria masuk? Mungkinkah kamu berbuat demikian sebab kamu geramkan pemimpin negara ini?
    Fakta fakta sejarah itu semua ada didalam buku sejarah History of China oleh Professor C.P Fitzgerald. Bukan sejarah yang “diulis semula” selepas pemimpin kominis Mao Ze Dong adakan peristiwa membakar buku dan mengaipkan professor professor dan pensyarah pensyarah ditahun 1960an.
    Ingat, aku tak tuduh kamu, selain dari mempersendakan nama bekas pemimpin negara ini. Aku hanya tanya beberapa so’alan.

    ramenrider on September 11, 2011 at 5:25 pm
    waa…..sekarang baru nak ajar bab sejarah ya mamak….you punya sejarah sendiri(asal usul)tak berani nak mengaku….ada hati lagi nak ajar sejarah…bodoh bodoh bodoh bodoh bodoh….kenapa semua PM kita bodoh sangat?!!!!!

    Malaysian on September 11, 2011 at 5:51 pm
    hahaa.. jawapan yg paling bagus dan tepat sekali. Tak berani mengaku asal sendiri tapi nak cakap tentang sejarah pulak. …..

    Kodok on September 11, 2011 at 11:53 pm
    This mother of hypocrite ,devil smiling in delight will say History is history and cannot be distorted if he was the one then who took the centre stage in Malacc a shouted MERDEKA 54 years ago but not Tunku Abdul Rahman.
    Cheap bugger !

  13. al-al September 12, 2011 at 6:01 am Reply

    Ucapan PM yang lalu mengenai Malaysia pernah dijajah oleh British dan lain-lain. Cuba cari perkataan “penjajah” “kolonial” “dijajah” “penjajahan”.

    Datuk Seri Najib Razak, dalam perutusan Hari Kebangsaan 2009, yang pertama sejak dilantik sebagai perdana menteri keenam berkata, “lima puluh dua tahun yang lalu, sekumpulan patriot negara yang diterajui oleh YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al-haj telah berjaya mencapai kemerdekaan negara setelah hampir lima kurun berada di bawah belenggu penjajahan.”

    “Pasca kemerdekaan kemudiannya menyaksikan tugas dan tanggungjawab untuk menentukan arah tuju tanah air yang satu ketika dahulu berada di dalam genggaman penjajah telah beralih ke tangan anak watan,” kata beliau.

    Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dalam perutusan Hari Kebangsaan 2007 berkata, “kita menghargai semangat keyakinan yang berjaya disemaikan oleh para pejuang untuk membebaskan warga dari kongkongan pemikiran kolonialisme. Kita menghargai pemimpin pelbagai komuniti yang telah mempamerkan wawasan, hikmah dan ideal untuk membina gagasan yang kukuh lagi berpadu, gagasan yang adil lagi saksama, gagasan yang aman lagi makmur.”

    Dalam ucapan dasar Perhimpunan Umno 2007, kata Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, “rasa bimbang, rasa takut dan rasa terancam dalam minda Melayu berlaku apabila orang Melayu tidak mempunyai persediaan yang cukup. Selagi orang Melayu berfikiran kecil, selagi itulah orang Melayu berasa gentar kepada perkataan meritokrasi. Merasa diri kecil, merasa rendah diri, merasa gentar, merasa kurang upaya, adalah pemikiran beracun yang telah disuntik ke dalam minda Melayu, bermula dari era penjajahan.”


    Dalam perutusan sambutan Hari Kebangsaan Ke-25 pada 1982 iaitu setahun selepas dilantik sebagai perdana menteri, Dr Mahathir memulakan ucapan dengan berkata, “Hari Kebangsaan kali ini merupakan peristiwa yang amat penting. Sambutan Jubli Perak ini menandakan sesuku abad kita telah merdeka, bebas dari belenggu penjajahan, dan sesuku abad kita menentukan nasib kita sendiri sebagai bangsa dan negara yang bebas dan berdaulat. Syukur, alhamdulillah, negara kita sentiasa berada di dalam keadaan sejahtera dan terkawal, dan hari ini, kita dapat menyambut Jubli Perak negara kita dalam suasana aman dan bahagia.”


    Ucapan dasar Dr Mahathir pada Perhimpunan Agung Umno 2001 berkata,“penubuhan Umno sebagai parti politik pada tahun 1946 menandakan tamatnya hampir 450 tahun bangsa Melayu dan negeri-negeri Melayu dijajah.

    Sebelum ini siapa sahaja boleh menjajah orang Melayu. Mereka tunduk kepada sesiapa sahaja. Portugis, Belanda, British, Jepun dan Siam pun semuanya diterima dan dihormati oleh orang Melayu sebagai tuan kepada mereka.

    “Orang Melayu di zaman penjajah tidak bermaruah dan tidak bersemangat. Mereka anggap diri mereka sebagai manusia kelas dua dan mereka sedia menyerah apa sahaja kepada orang lain yang mereka percaya lebih berkebolehan daripada mereka. Pentadbiran negara, perniagaan dan perusahaan, kerja biasa pun semuanya diserah kepada orang asing.


    Dalam ucapan terakhir sebagai presiden Umno pada 2003, Dr Mahathir berkata, “kita telah dijajah oleh tiga kaum Eropah. Selama 450 tahun, kita telah berada di bawah pemerintahan penjajah. Sekarang kita dan negara-negara Asia yang lain berhadapan dengan kemungkinan dijajah sekali oleh mereka.”

    Dalam perutusan Hari Kebangsaan 2000. Kata Dr Mahathir, “berbanding dengan tempoh kita dijajah, kemerdekaan kita bukanlah lama. Empat puluh tiga tahun adalah amat pendek berbanding dengan lebih kurang 450 tahun kita dijajah. Setelah kejatuhan Melaka di tangan Portugis, kita dijajah oleh Belanda, British, Jepun dan juga Siam. Inilah sejarah kita yang terhina dan memalukan.”

    Dr Mahathir ketika membentangkan Rang Undang-undang Akta Perlembagaan (Pindaan) 1993 juga menyebut soal British dan penjajahan.

    Kata Dr Mahathir, “sistem ini dipilih kerana semasa negeri-negeri Melayu diperintah melalui sistem feudal dengan kuasa di tangan Raja, negeri-negeri Melayu adalah begitu lemah dan pentadbirannya berada dalam keadaan kucar-kacir. Negeri-negeri ini tidak dapat menentukan keamanan dan menguatkuasakan undang-undang. Akibatnya negeri-negeri ini terpaksa meletakkan diri di bawah naungan kuasa-kuasa asing seperti Cina, Siam dan Barat. Akhirnya semua negeri Melayu ditakluki oleh British dan diperintah sebagai tanah jajahan British melalui perjanjian di antara Raja-raja yang memerintah dengan pihak Kerajaan British.”

    “Selepas Perang Dunia Kedua, Raja-raja Melayu berharap apabila British mentadbir semula kedudukan mereka sebagai Raja yang berada di bawah nasihat pegawai-pegawai British akan dikembalikan.

    Negeri-negeri Melayu akan sekali lagi diperintah oleh British walaupun tidak seperti Singapura, Pulau Pinang dan Melaka, di mana British berkuasa penuh.

    “Bagi majoriti rakyat Melayu negeri-negeri Semenanjung, mereka juga bersedia menerima pemerintahan di mana kemelayuan negeri-negeri Melayu diakui oleh British, walaupun pentadbiran dikuasai hampir sepenuhnya oleh British. Namun ada pendapat di kalangan sebilangan orang Melayu bahawa negeri-negeri Melayu sepatutnya dibebaskan daripada pemerintahan kolonial British sama sekali,” kata bekas perdana menteru keempat ini.

    Dalam ucapannya itu, beliau juga dipetik berkata, “di zaman penjajahan British, oleh kerana mereka boleh menaik atau menurunkan Raja, maka Raja menerima nasihat pemerintah kolonial.


    Dalam ucapan ketika upacara perisytiharan kemerdekaan di Stadium Merdeka pada 31 Ogos 1957, Tunku Abdul Rahman antara lain berkata, “… hari ini satu bab baru dibuka dalam hubungan kita dengan Britain; status kolonial kita telah diberikan tempat sama rata yang penuh…”


    Memoir terbaru bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berjudul “A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad” juga menyenaraikan perkataan kolonial atau penjajahan beberapa kali.

    Maklumat yang diperoleh dari laman web pertubuhan Komanwel pula menyebut, “menerusi siri perjanjian antara 1983 dan 1930, pentadbir-pentadbir kolonial British menguasai hal ehwal luar sembilan kesultanan Melayu di Semenanjung


  14. PAS Miri September 12, 2011 at 7:09 am Reply

    Sekitar Majlis Rumah Terbuka Malaysia sempena Aidilfitri-Merdeka 2011

    Suruhanjaya reid merupakan sebuah suruhanjaya bebas yang berperanan merangka Perlembagaan bagi Persekutuan Tanah Melayu sebelum Tanah Melayu memperoleh kemerdekaan daripada Britain pada 31 Ogos 1957. Suruhanjaya ini telah dinamakan sempena nama pengerusinya iaitu seorang hakim Mahkamah Rayuan England, Lord William Reid.

    Ahli Suruhanjaya Reid
    Lord William Reid – Pengerusi

    Sir Ivor Jennings – Britain

    Sir William McKell – Australia

    Hakim B Malik – India

    Hakim Abdul Hamid – Pakistan

    Petikan Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas

    Sekarang kita hendak tanya kepada profesor Zainal Kling dan pimpinan Umno kalau Tanah Melayu tidak pernah dijajah British buat apa perlembagaan tanah Melayu mesti di bincang di Parlimen British dan tidak diputus sendiri oleh kerajaan tanah Melayu pada masa tersebut? Kalau benar tanah Melayu tidak dijajah sudah tentu kita tidak perlu kerajaan British merangka perlembagaan tanah Melayu.

    Kalau negara yang bebas dari penjajah sudah tentu mereka akan merangka perlembagaan sendiri tanpa perlu campur tangan atau kelulusan dari negara luar. Mengapa tanah Melayu dan Malaysia sekarang masih mengguna pakai perlembagaan Suruhanjaya Reid? Mengapa tidak dihapus sama sekali perlembagaan Reid dan kita rangka dan gunakan perlembagaan yang sesuai dengan adat resam dan budaya tanah Melayu/Malaysia sendiri atau sekarang kita rangka perlembagaan menurut syariah. Semua ahli Suruhanjaya Reid dari negara luar tidak ada yang dari kerajaan tempatan atau tanah Melayu.

    Inilah beberapa persoalan yang perlu dijawab dan difikir bersama kalau benar tanah Melayu tidak dijajah seharusnya kita sudah bebas menggunakan perlembagaan sendiri dan tidak bergantung dengan negara luar untuk merangka perlembagaan kita. Jadi pemimpin Umno kena bersedia untuk menerima kenyataan yang negara ini memang pernah dijajah oleh British dan yang berjuang melawan kerajaan sebelum merdeka memang pejuang kemerdekaan.

    Jofri Jaraiee

    PAS Miri

    Why Malayan Using Reid Commission Constitution?

    The Reid Commission was an independent commission responsible for drafting the Constitution of the Federation of Malaya prior to Malayan independence from Britain on 31 August 1957.

    Members of Reid Commission

    Lord William Reid – Chairman

    Sir Ivor Jennings – Britain

    Sir William McKell – Australia

    Hakim B. Malik – India

    Hakim Abdul Hamid – Pakistan

    Excerpt From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

    Now we want to ask the professor Zainal Kling and Umno leaders if the Malaya never been colonized by British why do the our constitution must be discussed in the British Parliament and not decided by the Malaya government at the time? If the Malaya were not colonized we should not get any permission from the British government and we do have our own constitutional drafting.

    If the country free from occupation they would draw up its own constitution without interference or approval from another country. Why are the Malaya and Malaysia still adopting the constitution of the Reid Commission and was not removed completely from our constitutional framework and use the constitution to suit with the customs and culture of the Malay land / Malaysia or use constitutional framework in accordance with sharia law. All the Members of Reid Commission is from others countries not even one from local government or Malayan government.

    Here are some questions to be answered, and thought with, if true Malay land (Malaya) is not occupied we should have free use of its own constitution and is not dependent on other countries to draft our constitution. So Umno leaders to be prepared to accept the fact that this country was never been colonized by the British and fought against the government before independence was a freedom fighter.

    Kata Bebas Tapi Guna Perlembagaan Penjajah!!

  15. harakahdaily September 16, 2011 at 2:00 am Reply

    Kenyataan Ramlah sahkan ‘agenda’ British tidak menjajah


    KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Sept: Kenyataan pemimpin Perkasa, Profesor Ramlah Adam (gambar) bahawa ‘British tidak menjajah Malaya’ dan ‘Mohamad Sabu salah apabila berkata polis di rumah pasong Bukit Kepong adalah polis British’ menjelaskan niat sebenar episod ini.

    Kenyataan Ramlah dan Profesor Zainal Kling sebelum ini adalah bertujuan untuk menafikan kenyataan Mohamad Sabu bahawa polis ketika itu bekerja untuk British iaitu penjajah.

    Oleh itu, kedua-duanya ingin mengesahkan hujjah Umno bahawa Mohamad Sabu menghina dan memperkecilkan peranan pasukan keselamatan di negara ini kerana menghina polis rumah pasong Bukit Kepong.

    Menurut Ramlah, polis yang berkhidmat ketika tragedi Bukit Kepong bukan polis British, sebaliknya berkhidmat dengan negeri Melayu yang berdaulat.

    “Jika begitu, apakah Umno dan Perkasa talibarut penjajah British?” soal Setiausaha Agung PKR, Saifudin Nasution Ismail.

    Ini jelas apabila “Ramlah juga kata British tidak menjajah Malaya bukan?” kata Saifudin dalam Twitternya.

    Hingga kini, para ahli akademik Umno berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mengatakan British bukannya penjajah Malaya tetapi hanya pelindung sahaja.

    Ketua Pengarang Harakahdaily, Zulkifli Sulong dalam tulisannya sebelum ini sudah meramalkan, sasaran kenyataan Zainal Kling adalah untuk menafikan polis di rumah pasong Bukit Kepong adalah polis British sebagaimana dakwaan Mohamad Sabu.

    Begitu juga kenyataan Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman yang berkata, Mat Indera adalah komunis bertujuan untuk menafikan kenyataan Mohamad Sabu.

    Kedua-dua kenyataan itu dibuat sekalipun berhadapan dengan bantahan kerana ia bertentangan dengan persepsi dan pendidikan rakyat Malaysia selama ini.

    Yayasan Warisan Johor telah mengeluarkan sebuah buku pada tahun 2004 bertajuk ‘Pengukir Nama Johor’ yang membariskan Mat Indera sebagai salah seorang heronya dan dia bukan komunis.

    Kata-kata pengantar buku itu telah dibuat oleh Abdul Ghani sendiri.

    Apabila akhbar Umno, Utusan Malaysia melaporkan Mat Indera adalah Komunis, Ghani telah menukar kenyataan itu selari dengan pendirian Umno, dari hero kepada petualang, dari pejuang kemerdekaan kepada komunis.

    “Jika begitu apa tujuan sambutan merdeka pada 31 Ogos…merdeka dari siapa,” kata seorang pemimpin PAS dalam satu majlis sebelum ini.

    Bagi Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Husam Musa, pemimpin Umno kena bertanggung jawab dengan kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Zainal Kling itu dan kini Ramlah Adam kerana kedua-duanya ahli dan penyokong Umno.

    Sehubungan itu juga, beliau meminta supaya Zainal bertaubat kerana kenyataan beliau boleh merosakkan negara.

    “Bagi saya sejarawan seperti ini pada saya boleh merosakkan negara kita kerana mereka boleh putar belit fakta semata-mata untuk membolehkan Umno menjadi juara pada setiap masa,” kata Husam.

    Menurut Husam, sudah sekian lama British dalam dokumen-dokumennya di London menganggap Malaya adalah tanah jajahan mereka.

    Oleh itu, apabila Zainal Kling membuat kenyataan sebegini, ia satu usaha untuk menulis semula sejarah yang sudah dimaktubkan dalam pelbagai dokumen sejarah.

    Blogger Umno bantah

    Sementara itu, pandangan Zainal dan Ramlah dibantah oleh penulis Umno sendiri, Aspan Alias melalui blognya. Beliau turut menuntut agar Umno membuat pendirian mengenainya.

    “Jika apa yang diperkatakan oleh Zainal Keling itu maka saya kesal dengan Che’ gu saya yang bernama Miss Lim semasa saya darjah 5 dahulu kerana memberitahu saya dan murid sedarjah dengan saya yang kita menyambut hari kemerdekaan pada setiap 31 Ogos kerana memperingati saat negara kita terlepas dari penjajahan kuasa asing ke atas negara kita.

    “Saya juga menyampah dengan Joginder Singh kerana dalam buku beliau yang menjadi buku teks sejarah semasa itu menyatakan dengan jelas yang Malaya terlepas dari penjajahan Inggeris pada 31 Ogos 1957. Hendak berhujah dengan Joginder Singh pula masalahnya beliau sudah meninggal dunia. Atau pun saya persalahkan Kementerian Pelajaran semasa itu yang memilih buku sejarah karangan Joginder Singh ini sebagai buku teks semasa itu.

    “Kenapa baru sekarang ada yang memberitahu yang kita adalah seperti negara Thai yang tidak pernah dijajah. Kenapa semua pensyarah dan semua rakyat mengatakan yang kita tidak pernah dijajah oleh sesiapa?” tulis beliau.–kenyataan-ramlah-sahkan-agenda-british-tidak-menjajah

  16. Benedict November 27, 2011 at 5:18 pm Reply

    It is a shocking story among the Dutch academia.This scholar obtained his PhD from the University of Amsterdam. Now the university says he could be rescinded. Article below from NYT.
    Fraud Case Seen as a Red Flag for Research


    Published: New York Times, November 2, 2011
    A well-known psychologist in the Netherlands whose work has been published widely in professional journals falsified data and made up entire experiments, an investigating committee has found. Experts say the case exposes deep flaws in the way science is done in a field, psychology, that has only recently earned a fragile respectability.

    Joris Buijs/Pve
    The psychologist Diederik Stapel in an undated photograph. “I have failed as a scientist and researcher,” he said in a statement after a committee found problems in dozens of his papers.

    The psychologist, Diederik Stapel, of Tilburg University, committed academic fraud in “several dozen” published papers, many accepted in respected journals and reported in the news media, according to a report released on Monday by the three Dutch institutions where he has worked: the University of Groningen, the University of Amsterdam, and Tilburg. The journal Science, which published one of Dr. Stapel’s papers in April, posted an “editorial expression of concern” about the research online on Tuesday.

    The scandal, involving about a decade of work, is the latest in a string of embarrassments in a field that critics and statisticians say badly needs to overhaul how it treats research results. In recent years, psychologists have reported a raft of findings on race biases, brain imaging and even extrasensory perception that have not stood up to scrutiny. Outright fraud may be rare, these experts say, but they contend that Dr. Stapel took advantage of a system that allows researchers to operate in near secrecy and massage data to find what they want to find, without much fear of being challenged.

    “The big problem is that the culture is such that researchers spin their work in a way that tells a prettier story than what they really found,” said Jonathan Schooler, a psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara. “It’s almost like everyone is on steroids, and to compete you have to take steroids as well.”

    In a prolific career, Dr. Stapel published papers on the effect of power on hypocrisy, on racial stereotyping and on how advertisements affect how people view themselves. Many of his findings appeared in newspapers around the world, including The New York Times, which reported in December on his study about advertising and identity.

    In a statement posted Monday on Tilburg University’s Web site, Dr. Stapel apologized to his colleagues. “I have failed as a scientist and researcher,” it read, in part. “I feel ashamed for it and have great regret.”

    More than a dozen doctoral theses that he oversaw are also questionable, the investigators concluded, after interviewing former students, co-authors and colleagues. Dr. Stapel has published about 150 papers, many of which, like the advertising study, seem devised to make a splash in the media. The study published in Science this year claimed that white people became more likely to “stereotype and discriminate” against black people when they were in a messy environment, versus an organized one. Another study, published in 2009, claimed that people judged job applicants as more competent if they had a male voice. The investigating committee did not post a list of papers that it had found fraudulent.

    Dr. Stapel was able to operate for so long, the committee said, in large measure because he was “lord of the data,” the only person who saw the experimental evidence that had been gathered (or fabricated). This is a widespread problem in psychology, said Jelte M. Wicherts, a psychologist at the University of Amsterdam. In a recent survey, two-thirds of Dutch research psychologists said they did not make their raw data available for other researchers to see. “This is in violation of ethical rules established in the field,” Dr. Wicherts said.

    In a survey of more than 2,000 American psychologists scheduled to be published this year, Leslie John of Harvard Business School and two colleagues found that 70 percent had acknowledged, anonymously, to cutting some corners in reporting data. About a third said they had reported an unexpected finding as predicted from the start, and about 1 percent admitted to falsifying data.

    Also common is a self-serving statistical sloppiness. In an analysis published this year, Dr. Wicherts and Marjan Bakker, also at the University of Amsterdam, searched a random sample of 281 psychology papers for statistical errors. They found that about half of the papers in high-end journals contained some statistical error, and that about 15 percent of all papers had at least one error that changed a reported finding — almost always in opposition to the authors’ hypothesis.

    The American Psychological Association, the field’s largest and most influential publisher of results, “is very concerned about scientific ethics and having only reliable and valid research findings within the literature,” said Kim I. Mills, a spokeswoman. “We will move to retract any invalid research as such articles are clearly identified.”

    Researchers in psychology are certainly aware of the issue. In recent years, some have mocked studies showing correlations between activity on brain images and personality measures as “voodoo” science, and a controversy over statistics erupted in January after The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology accepted a paper purporting to show evidence of extrasensory perception. In cases like these, the authors being challenged are often reluctant to share their raw data. But an analysis of 49 studies appearing Wednesday in the journal PLoS One, by Dr. Wicherts, Dr. Bakker and Dylan Molenaar, found that the more reluctant that scientists were to share their data, the more likely that evidence contradicted their reported findings.

    “We know the general tendency of humans to draw the conclusions they want to draw — there’s a different threshold,” said Joseph P. Simmons, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. “With findings we want to see, we ask, ‘Can I believe this?’ With those we don’t, we ask, ‘Must I believe this?’ ”

    But reviewers working for psychology journals rarely take this into account in any rigorous way. Neither do they typically ask to see the original data. While many psychologists shade and spin, Dr. Stapel went ahead and drew any conclusion he wanted.

    “We have the technology to share data and publish our initial hypotheses, and now’s the time,” Dr. Schooler said. “It would clean up the field’s act in a very big way.”

  17. benedict November 27, 2011 at 5:27 pm Reply

    It is a shocking story among the Dutch academia.This scholar obtained his PhD from the University of Amsterdam. Now the university says he could be rescinded. Article below from NYT.
    Fraud Case Seen as a Red Flag for Research


    Published: New York Times, November 2, 2011
    A well-known psychologist in the Netherlands whose work has been published widely in professional journals falsified data and made up entire experiments, an investigating committee has found. Experts say the case exposes deep flaws in the way science is done in a field, psychology, that has only recently earned a fragile respectability.

    Joris Buijs/Pve
    The psychologist Diederik Stapel in an undated photograph. “I have failed as a scientist and researcher,” he said in a statement after a committee found problems in dozens of his papers.

    The psychologist, Diederik Stapel, of Tilburg University, committed academic fraud in “several dozen” published papers, many accepted in respected journals and reported in the news media, according to a report released on Monday by the three Dutch institutions where he has worked: the University of Groningen, the University of Amsterdam, and Tilburg. The journal Science, which published one of Dr. Stapel’s papers in April, posted an “editorial expression of concern” about the research online on Tuesday.

    The scandal, involving about a decade of work, is the latest in a string of embarrassments in a field that critics and statisticians say badly needs to overhaul how it treats research results. In recent years, psychologists have reported a raft of findings on race biases, brain imaging and even extrasensory perception that have not stood up to scrutiny. Outright fraud may be rare, these experts say, but they contend that Dr. Stapel took advantage of a system that allows researchers to operate in near secrecy and massage data to find what they want to find, without much fear of being challenged.

    “The big problem is that the culture is such that researchers spin their work in a way that tells a prettier story than what they really found,” said Jonathan Schooler, a psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara. “It’s almost like everyone is on steroids, and to compete you have to take steroids as well.”

    In a prolific career, Dr. Stapel published papers on the effect of power on hypocrisy, on racial stereotyping and on how advertisements affect how people view themselves. Many of his findings appeared in newspapers around the world, including The New York Times, which reported in December on his study about advertising and identity.

    In a statement posted Monday on Tilburg University’s Web site, Dr. Stapel apologized to his colleagues. “I have failed as a scientist and researcher,” it read, in part. “I feel ashamed for it and have great regret.”

    More than a dozen doctoral theses that he oversaw are also questionable, the investigators concluded, after interviewing former students, co-authors and colleagues. Dr. Stapel has published about 150 papers, many of which, like the advertising study, seem devised to make a splash in the media. The study published in Science this year claimed that white people became more likely to “stereotype and discriminate” against black people when they were in a messy environment, versus an organized one. Another study, published in 2009, claimed that people judged job applicants as more competent if they had a male voice. The investigating committee did not post a list of papers that it had found fraudulent.

    Dr. Stapel was able to operate for so long, the committee said, in large measure because he was “lord of the data,” the only person who saw the experimental evidence that had been gathered (or fabricated). This is a widespread problem in psychology, said Jelte M. Wicherts, a psychologist at the University of Amsterdam. In a recent survey, two-thirds of Dutch research psychologists said they did not make their raw data available for other researchers to see. “This is in violation of ethical rules established in the field,” Dr. Wicherts said.

    In a survey of more than 2,000 American psychologists scheduled to be published this year, Leslie John of Harvard Business School and two colleagues found that 70 percent had acknowledged, anonymously, to cutting some corners in reporting data. About a third said they had reported an unexpected finding as predicted from the start, and about 1 percent admitted to falsifying data.

    Also common is a self-serving statistical sloppiness. In an analysis published this year, Dr. Wicherts and Marjan Bakker, also at the University of Amsterdam, searched a random sample of 281 psychology papers for statistical errors. They found that about half of the papers in high-end journals contained some statistical error, and that about 15 percent of all papers had at least one error that changed a reported finding — almost always in opposition to the authors’ hypothesis.

    The American Psychological Association, the field’s largest and most influential publisher of results, “is very concerned about scientific ethics and having only reliable and valid research findings within the literature,” said Kim I. Mills, a spokeswoman. “We will move to retract any invalid research as such articles are clearly identified.”

    Researchers in psychology are certainly aware of the issue. In recent years, some have mocked studies showing correlations between activity on brain images and personality measures as “voodoo” science, and a controversy over statistics erupted in January after The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology accepted a paper purporting to show evidence of extrasensory perception. In cases like these, the authors being challenged are often reluctant to share their raw data. But an analysis of 49 studies appearing Wednesday in the journal PLoS One, by Dr. Wicherts, Dr. Bakker and Dylan Molenaar, found that the more reluctant that scientists were to share their data, the more likely that evidence contradicted their reported findings.

    “We know the general tendency of humans to draw the conclusions they want to draw — there’s a different threshold,” said Joseph P. Simmons, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. “With findings we want to see, we ask, ‘Can I believe this?’ With those we don’t, we ask, ‘Must I believe this?’ ”

    But reviewers working for psychology journals rarely take this into account in any rigorous way. Neither do they typically ask to see the original data. While many psychologists shade and spin, Dr. Stapel went ahead and drew any conclusion he wanted.

    “We have the technology to share data and publish our initial hypotheses, and now’s the time,” Dr. Schooler said. “It would clean up the field’s act in a very big way.”

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